Program areas at Vista Del Mar Child and Family Services
For children whose emotional, behavioral, social or other challenges prevent them from living at home, Vista Del Mar provides a safe, home-like living environment within a comprehensive treatment setting. Our programs help troubled children make the transition back home or to self-sufficient community life. Our open, 24-bed facility for adolescent boys and girls is staffed with skilled teams of clinical social.
Vista Del Mar provides a broad spectrum of community-based Services for children, adolescents, young adults and families, including adoptions and foster home care, through our state-licensed, hague-accredited private adoption agency. We also offer individual and Family counseling, parent education, teacher training, and other case-management Services at more than 20 los angeles and santa monica-malibu unified school district schools. We provide Child care in a network of 20 state-licensed Family Child care homes in the hollywood and mid-wilshire areas, as well as in-home Family counseling, direct Child counseling, early head start Services and school readiness parent-child education and support groups, and linkage to early care and education, health and social Services. Our "wraparound" Services offer an alternative to out-of-home care by identifying and building upon a Family's strengths and support systems, to help these vulnerable children to remain in their communities.
Vista Del Mar's outpatient Services provides a wide range of counseling programs, including Family and individual therapy, trauma recovery, an array of classes and workshops for parents and caregivers, and assessment and diagnostic Services for children and adolescents with learning disabilities and other delays, including autism. Vista also offers conferences and seminars addressing current issues in Child development and treatment of a variety of issues affecting children and their families. Our internationally respected postgraduate and postdoctoral training programs include extensive training and classes, supervision, and clinical work with our young people and their families. The psycho-educational training program offers extensive training and supervision in diagnostic psychological testing of children and adolescents enrolled in our outpatient therapy Services programs demonstrate better management of the behavioral challenges which impact their ability to successfully function in school and in the community. Psychoeducational testing Services are also available to identify learning differences and develop strategies to enhance the development of cognitive skills. Additionally, the reiss davis graduate program offers an advanced degree to support the development of professionals with expertise in managing emotional challenges of children across the developmental spectrum.
Vista's non-public school is accredited by the western association of schools and colleges (wasc) and serves children, pre-school through grade 12, who have struggled in other school settings. After assessing each Child and creating a comprehensive individualized education plan (iep), we tailor each Child's courses to address their special needs, while encouraging them to grow emotionally and academically. In addition to traditional coursework, students may participate in a number of therapeutic arts classes and other offerings that inspire confidence as well as providing incentive to stay in school. We maintain a low student-to-teacher ratio (3:1) and our educational and clinical staff create an atmosphere of success, taking into account the personal challenges of each Child's life so that they can have a positive school experience. Approximately 65% of our students continue their education after graduating from Vista Del Mar, and our vocational skills and workability programs help students develop employable work skills for those seeking employment. Our independent living skills program helps those students who are aging out of the foster care system to learn to live on their own.