Program areas at Voices for Utah CHILDREN
Tax and budget issues: conduct policy analysis of budget and tax policies, with a particular focus on the needs of low- and moderate-income families. The organization works to broaden the debate on budget and tax policy through public education and the encouragement of civic engagement on these issues.
Early care and education: provide to all Children the services and support necessary to enable them to start school and to prepare them for success. The organization researches best practices and develops recommendations to help state policymakers think strategically about policy decisions to increase accessibility, affordability, and quality of childcare and early education.
Children's health: improve and strengthen public and private programs to ensure that all Children have access to and receive quality healthcare.
Immigrant and refugee policy: support immigrant communities by uplifting the issues that are most affecting them.
Advocacy: legally engage in lobbying efforts to influence specific legislation. Utah Children has filed a 501(h) election with the internal revenue service that allows the organization to engage in direct lobbying communications to elected officials and grassroots lobbying communications that encourage the public to contact elected officials.
Research: provide accurate, objective information to inform public debate and strengthen public action on behalf of Children and families.
Deferred action for childhood arrivals (daca): provide immigrants with a pathway to citizenship and allow them opportunities to work legally in the meantime.