Program areas at Wasatch Peaks Foundation
* Wasatch Peaks has licensed the Stukent Personal Finance Simulation software for 27 high schools, charter schools, and technical/vocational schools in 2022 totaling $54,000 annually with the opportunity to reach over 10,000 students. As many as 20 new schools will likely be added in 2023 requiring an additional $40,000 in funding. The Foundation will reach every graduating senior in eight northern Utah counties. This national/state education core standard financial education platform prepares students in a semester to budget for 18 months of "real" world finance based on decision-based learning.
The Foundation will be funding $25,000 in college scholarships with 10, $1,500 scholarships being awarded to a student at ten local high schools. One $10,000 scholarship will be awarded from the same pool of high schools. Scholarship qualifications are based on a 3.0 GPA, credit union membership, and an essay on their community involvement and volunteerism. The funds to provide these scholarships were raised in 2023, funding of the scholarships will happen in 2024.
Warm The Soles is an annual campaign where we raised over funds in member donations to purchase 1,120 pair of shoes for economically disadvantaged elementary students in 13 local Title I schools.
The Wasatch Peaks Foundation also makes donations to other local non-profits in our communities including the Ogden School Foundation, the Weber School Foundation, United Way of Northern Utah, Boys and Girls Club, and many more. These funds are donated to local non-profits whose initiatives align with our purposes.