Program areas at WACMHC
Workforce:learning network apprised of mainly hr professionals and administrative leadership representing our federally qualified Health center partners. The purpose of the workforce learning networks to provide field updates, solicit strategic guidance, and promote peer learning for current workforce initiatives that directly impact chc recruitment, retention and development. Training and peer learning topics included strategies to address workforce shortages, innovative Health profession training programs, and legislative updates. The learning network met 4 times this year.the Association administered a registered apprenticeship program in medical assisting through march 2024. From april 1, 2023 to march 31, 2024, there were 10 active medical assistant apprenticeship cohorts, and 386 apprentices were enrolled. Medical assisting apprenticeship program has a completion rate of 83% with 1,194 students graduated or on track to graduate since inception. The ma program had an overall certification exam pass rate of 98% for this period. The Association also offers a dental assisting training program that is available to all Community Health centers, there were 2 active dental assistant cohorts and 14 were enrolled. The Association also offers a medical assisting preapprenticeship program that is available to high school students, there was 1 active pre-apprenticeship cohort and 13 were enrolled. The Association's healthcare apprenticeship programs continue to be recognized nation-wide and consultation work, including curriculum licensing, for out of state organizations continues to grow. The in-reach curriculum is now being used in 10 states with plans for expansion. During 2023-2024 the Association deepened its identity as the sw regional area heatlh education center (sw ahec). The sw ahec supported 25 second year and 31 first year ahec scholars, which prepares a diverse and skilled primary care workforce in rural and underserved communities. The sw ahec also placed 21 medical students in the rural underserved opportunities program, allowing the students to work alongside general or pediatric physician preceptors providing Health care within rural and urban underserved communities. The sw ahec also supported many community-based Health career promotion and preparation activities throughout the region that impacted 170 youth, 56 ahec scholars, and over 50 Health care providers.
Policy and advocacy:in the last fiscal year, the Association's policy and advocacy team has continued to advocate for the reauthorization of the federal Community Health center fund and the protection of Washington's healthcare safety net system, secured capital funds for dental clinic expansions, secured increased funding for Health professions loan repayment programs, and expansion of Health insurance coverage to individuals regardless of immigration status. The Association policy and advocacy team provided consistent and considerable technical assistance to Community Health centers in understanding federal and state programs, operationalizing policy and regulatory changes, and navigating the policy and regulatory environment.
Care improvement & innovation:the Association works with federally qualified Health centers to provide technical assistance, training, and peer learning opportunities for quality improvementstaff, medical directors, pharmacists, behavioral Health providers, dental directors, emergency preparedness managers, hr professionals, andclinical care teams. Accomplishments for the year ended march 31, 2024, included:convened 5 sessions of a leaders learning circle to promote trauma informed leadership skills.convened 8 sessions of building skills in sexual Health series to focus on comprehensive sexual Health skills and hiv/sti diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.convened 2 clinical quality workgroup meetings to focus on strengthening qi programs, uds modernization, and resource sharing between peers.convened 4 medical director learning network meetingsfocused on retention strategies for the clinical care team, optimizing patient access, collaborative drug therapy agreements, care models, and medical incident reporting.convened 10 human resources learning network meetings focused on visa programs, leave laws, credentialing and priveleging, and sharing hr best practices and resources among peers.convened 4 pharmacy learning network meetings focused on the 340b program, workforce issues, and pharmacy regulations and operations.convened 3 behavioral Health learning network meetings focused on workforce issues, billing best practices, and integrated care operations.convened 4 dental learning network meetings focused on preventive oral care, medicaid dental expansion, and oral Health operational and staffing issues.convened 2 emergency preparedness learning network meetings focused on addressing emergency preparedness needs at Health centers, basic business concepts, and ep coalition engagement.partnered with upstream usa to provide training and technical assistance to Health centers to improve the provision of patient-centered, noncoercive access to contraception.convened a contraceptive care learning collaborative for education around qi efforts, patient-centered education, and pregnancy intention screening.partnered with university of Washington colonoscopy outreach for rural communities program to provide patient navigation toward colonoscopy completion.hosted a motivational interviewing training and practice series for spanishspeaking staff at Health centers.
Health equity and Health access:the Association provided technical assistance, training, and peer learning opportunities for Health center staff to increase Health access and promote Health equity. In addition, the Association participated on multiple statewide workgroups to support chc practices that reach Washington's most vulnerable populations. Accomplishments for the year ended march 31, 2024, included:convened 2 outreach & enrollment learning network meetings focused on medicaid unwind and open enrollment.convened 2 Community Health worker learning network meetings focused on sharing best practices for chw programs among peers, alzheimer's training, and a promotoras intensive workshop in spanish.convened 6 social determinants of Health learning network meetings to support social needs screening at Community Health centers, focusing on using z codes, closing the referral loop, and promoting Health center sdoh innovations.hosted training to increase access to care for agricultural workers through improved uds reporting.hosted a webinar promoting Health center leadership and excellence in promoting Health equity for american indians in Washington state.hosted a training for Health centers to understand new healthcare coverage opportunities for undocumented immigrants in Washington state.