Program areas at Wash. U
Instruction - this category includes expenditures for all activities that are part of an institution's instruction program, with the exception of expenditures for remedial and tutorial instruction, which are categorized as student services. Expenditures for credit and non-credit courses for academic, occupational, vocational and medical care instruction, and for regular, special and extension sessions are included. Attendance: fall semester 17,086 and spring semester 15,484 approximately 437,562 patients were treated by medical school faculty and students.
Auxiliary and student support services - expenses incurred are primarily for the support of students. Auxiliary activities including student housing, food service, transportation and campus parking. Student services are those activities that directly support the students but do not qualify as management and general costs. Significant components include central and school-specific admissions, registrars, career planning and placement offices, student financial aid loan offices, student health services, athletics, student activities office, international students office, and the vice chancellor for students office.
Research - this category includes all expenditures for activities specifically organized to produce research outcomes, whether commissioned by an agency external to the institution or separately budgeted by an organizational unit within the institution. Subject to these conditions, it includes expenditures for individual and/or product research as well as those of the institutes and research centers. Revenues exclude government grants which are reported as contributions. During fiscal year 2023, the University received 6,168 direct and indirect awards.
Academic support