Program areas at Waterford Country School
Special education program - academic, prevocational, behavior management, life skills and support programs for therapeutic boarding and day students.
Residential treatment program - 24 hour a day program that addresses the social, emotional and behavioral needs of residents and their families.
Treatment foster care - community placements throughout eastern Connecticut for special needs children ages 3-18 in caring, specially trained foster homes.also including functional family therapy - foster care (fft fc) is an evidenced based in-home clinical intervention with a relational focus on the family unit for dcf-involved children receiving clinical treatment witin a therapeutic foster care setting. In addition to clinical treatment, fft fc also offers corresponding case management services. Birth families and foster families are the primary unit of intervention. Fft fc is built on the core fft model; it is completed once with the foster family and again with the birth family when the youth is reunified. The contractor and foster parents will receive initial training on the fft fc model from fft fc partners. Upon completion of initial training both the contractor and foster parents will receive ongoing clinical consultation and booster training for the first three years of implementation.
S-fit program - a short-term family integrated treatment program providing crisis stabilization and assessment with rapid reintegration and transition back home for children ages 12-17.
Star emergency shelters - short-term shelter for boys ages 8-18 who are in need of an immediate, appropriate place to stay.
Outpatient clinic and miscellaneous
Camp cuheca - a summer program specializing in adventure and animal therapy for children ages 8-15 that need individualized support.
Quality parenting centers are designed for families with children (from birth up to age 12) who were removed from home due to protective service concerns. Sibling groups in which one or more children are over the age of 12 may still be served through this program, at the discretion of dcf. Families can be referred at any point following the child's removal from home if close supervision, intervention and monitoring is required to ensure child safety and well-being. All permanency goals will be accepted into the program, including reunification, transfer of guardianship or adoption. For permanency goals other than reunification, the emphasis of family time would be on the importance of the continuity of relationships for the child.