Program areas at WeConservePA
Technical assistance -- directly assist charitable conservation organizations, local governments and individuals in improving the quality and increasing the quantity of land conservation work and in planning and implementing practices to improve their communities; provide assistance by phone, email and in person. Research, develop, and update technical guidance including nearly 150 original guides regarding conservation, land use planning, and other topics and 20 model legal documents available at Make grants to land trusts and trails groups for conservation and trail-related projects.
Connecting, training, and inspiring. Organize and deliver the annual Pennsylvania land conservation conference, the annual environmental advisory council (eac) network conference, the biennial Pennsylvania greenways & trails summit, as well as dozens of free-standing seminars, roundtable discussions, and other gatherings, to help people help one another, receive expert training in conservation, environmental, trail, and related subjects, and be inspired in taking on projects and programs to make the world a better place.
Conservation advocacy -- advocate for pro-conservation, life-sustaining government policy in the legislative and executive branches of government. Advise the courts in upholding conservation-friendly policies consistent with our constitutional environmental rights. Promote continued and increased state, federal, and local government investments in conservation-related projects and encourage good stewardship of natural resources already conserved in whole or in part by the public and private sectors. Foster productive, ethical, and equitable land trust movement and individual organization policies and practices.
Outreach and education. Reach out to and educate charitable organization and local government staff and volunteers as well as the general public on conservation. Develop educational content and communicate via e-newsletters (e.g., conserve land updates, project & people news, greenway & trail news) and other email, social media, websites, presentations, and print publications.