Program areas at Wells of Life
By 2030, half of the global population is expected to be living in water-stressed conditions. Competition for water resources will only intensify with increasing urbanization, population growth and the threat of climate change. As a result, we can expect more conflict, displacement and public health emergencies. No one stands to suffer from the consequences of water insecurity more than children.wells of Life is a 501(c)(3) non-profit christian organization whose mission is to provide rural ugandans access to safe, clean water through the installation or restoration of sustainable borehole water Wells and wash (water, sanitation, and hygiene) educational programs. By committing your support for clean water, you give time, opportunity, education, and empowerment. When a community receives clean water, they are given the resources of health, hygiene, and time to create a more sustainable society. We continue to work closely with the kingdom of buganda and the prime minister charles peter mayiga. Thanks to our supporters, our Wells are collectively serving more than 1 million people.we are tackling the worldwide crisis of the shortage of clean drinking water in the spirit of matthew 17:20, "if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains." We are a group of individuals, families, schools, churches, and businesses that are committed to forming in america an understanding of the dictates of 1 john 3:18, to not love with only words or speech, but with actions and in a specific application that is critically needed, quickly accomplished, immediately verifiable and effective, and easily replicated to scale. A child dies in east africa from the ill effects of contaminated water every 21 seconds. One child in five dies before reaching their fifth birthday of causes directly attributable to ingesting contaminated water, even though god's clean, life-saving, sight-preserving water is only a few dozen yards directly under their feet.