Program areas at West Central MTN Eco Develop
Business retention and expansion (outreach): the wcmedc connected with 85 organizations. We workd closely with Idaho depts. Of commerce, labor, and career and technical education, amoung others, to identify opportunities for workforce Development and enhancement, tax incentives, training programs, grants, and community Development. This function is vital to the well being of our business and nonprofit communities. Our outreach and promotion of programming across the West Central mountains has resulted in a better trained workforce, and greater retention of local talent. Major wins include providing business owners training on grants and finance, doing business with the government (through our partners as the Idaho small business Development center); promoting and assembling federal registeredapprenticeships in numberous industries; helping to promote regional community Development initiatives like housing, education, and infrastructure; and securing a grant from the Idaho dept. Of labor to train 3 cna's and 2 paramedics in cascade, id. The total number of beneficiaries from this activity is approximately 10,000- residents of the region.
The wcmedc region is primarily a vacation and resort area that relies on the service inducty. The wcmedc activities and initiatives focus on improving the recreational activities and job opportunities in the area.
The WCMEDC built a workforce development platform, alongside several nonprofit and governmental partners, that is enhancing career and technical education (CTE) and apprenticeship engagement in communities. The WCMEDC engaged the Idaho Policy Institute to assist with in depth research to determine gaps between high school student plans after graduation and industry skills needs. From there the WCMEDC has begun working with area school districts to expand CTE programming and apprenticeship opportunities for students, as well as new training programs, including one in the culinary arts.