Program areas at WNYIL
The Western New York Independent Living Inc. Aggressively pursued available covid funding to provide community-based individuals with disabilities the information, ppe, and assistance that might be needed due to any mobility restrictions that they may have had because of the pandemic and lack of community supports. The agency provides over 2000 trips disseminating covid relief kits to hundreds of people with disabilities in their service area. Several hundred home trips were made to bring needed groceries, food stuff, medicine, and medical supplies directly to the person's home. The center was in the fore front of insuring that people with disabilities restricted to their homes were not forgotten, when city and/or county officials were fighting the spread of the virus in Western New York.
During this year, the wnyil and its various offices provided over 7000 individuals and their families educational, empowerment, and consultingservices to assist the person with a disability the ability to continue to live in their home, work in our community, and engage with society as equal contributing members. The wnyil programming continues to assist people out of nursing homes, employment readiness services, and Independent Living skills. Community and individual advocacy continue to remove the physical, communication, and attitudinal barriers that prevent people with disabilities from fully engaging in our community life.
Wnyil in its fight against the opioid epidemic worked with the various traditional behavioral health organizations to provide a peer supportive program to assist individuals who have chosen to take a path to recovery. Meeting's individuals where they were at in the community, and working individually and or in groups, wnyil's peers connected dozens of individuals battling addiction to the inpatient and/or outpatient services they needed, while also providing family to family supports. Assisting the families in understanding what was happening to their loved one, and the various ways to support their family member's recovery and help the family work through the stress of addiction. Wnyil working with veterans across the country, lead the way in creating the national association of military & veteran peer specialist, a national network of veterans working with our military members transitioning to civilian life while fighting a variety of behavioral health struggles. Wnyil provided a $10 thousand grant to offset the costs of incorporating, filing for nonprofit status, and developing its bylaws to clearly outline means of governance and service to the nation. As of this time the namvps is expanding its board and seeking private foundation funding to assist in creating a national registry of military & veteran peer specialists, an on-line community of practice network,and a national conference to bring the various peer specialists together.
Other exempt purpose achievements - erie county dept. Of social services contract enhancement program (occupational training services for temporary assistance recipients enrolled in treatment programs), office of people with developmental disabilities (fully accessible transportation, private and public, for families with individual with developmental disability Living with them), nys dept. Of health - money follows the person (assist pwd transition from institution to community), nys doh aged blind and disabled contract to obtain medicaid/medicare health coverage, emergency shelter and housing assistance agreements, and various other agreements.