Program areas at Whatcom Community Foundation
Grantmaking - one way the Whatcom Community Foundation puts dollars to work is by making grants and scholarships. Our three primary grantmaking programs are:(1) competitive & relief grants: we hold multiple funds for Whatcom county from which we award grants on a competitive basis. Some of the grants have a specific focus area. Others are more broadly designed to meet our Community's changing needs. We invite creativity and imagination in the preparation of grant requests that help create a Community where everyone thrives. Grants are also issued to support flood relief efforts and disaster preparedness. (2) donor recommended grants: we steward a variety of donor advised funds. Grants are awarded from these funds based upon recommendations from the donors or their designated representatitves. Grants can be made to local, national and international nonprofit entities. All grants align with Community Foundation vision, mission and values. (3) scholarship program: the Foundation awards scholarships to graduates of local high schools to attend post-secondary education, helping remove the barriers that stand between young people and the education they need to be successful, and demonstrating to students that their Community is invested in their potential, their future, and their success.
Emergency food assistance program - the Foundation became a Washington state department of agriculture (wsda) contractor in 2018, coordinating payments to local vendors for food purchases made by local food banks and food pantries, or reimbursing food banks for their direct purchases. The wsda contract was renewed for two years in june 2023.
The millworks is a mixed-use, brownfield redevelopment project in a federally qualified opportunity zone that will include 109 residential housing units focused on workforce housing, a nonprofit office hub, and a food campus supporting local argiculture and food based businesses.
Various projects and programs, including: an equity/anti-racism initiative, the youth philanthropy project, and strengthening non-profits work.