Program areas at Whitfield School
Instruction - Whitfield School is an independent, coeducational, college-preparatory day school for students in grades 6-12. Located on a 25-acre campus in west St. Louis County, Whitfield's demanding academic program coupled with the support of a dedicated, world-class faculty prepares graduates for both the college experience and life beyond. With an average class size of 14, Whitfield is able to develop and maintain a community of families who value mutual respect and personal responsibility. At the center of Whitfield's mission is the commitment to character education through the Habits of Mind and Heart curriculum. The habits address six areas of human potential: ethics, scholarship, citizenship, leadership, mindfulness, and cultural competence. For the 2023-2024 school year, 407 students were enrolled.
Auxiliary Services - includes a luncheon program for 407 students and approximately 85 faculty and staff; a campus store which provides learning materials, snacks, and spirit wear; and administration of student tutoring, transportation, and housing (for international students only) programs. Salaries and taxes for tutoring personnel are reported on lines 5-10 on Part IX as instructed and are not included here.