Program areas at WhyHunger
Grassroots action network - the grassroots action network works in partnership with community-based leaders, organizations and networks to build a movement for a just and equitable food system in the u.s. by supporting and promoting grassroots leadership, Whyhunger works to build capacity for community organizing and to accelerate the collective impact of community-based strategies for food justice.
Artists against hunger and poverty/hungerthon - artists against hunger and proverty offers artists, the artist community and the music industry the opportunity to use their voices to support the movement to end hunger and poverty. Through awareness building campaigns, food drives, fundraising and social media engagement, artists support innovative and effective community-based organizations fighting hunger and ensuring the right to nutritious food for all in communities all across the world. Hungerthon is Whyhunger's signature public outreach campaign featuring a series of events and interviews culminating in a national radiothon that has grown to become a thanksgiving day tradition to combat hunger and poverty.
The global movements program - supports and partners with social movements and networks to build international solidarity and advance the goals of food sovereignty and the basic rights to food, land, water and sustainable livelihoods for all people.
Nourish - the nourish network for the right to food works with emergency food providers, food access organizations, community health organizations and other grassroots and national allies to transform the charitable response to hunger in the u.s. Into a more equitable and inclusive social justice movement that recognizes nutritious food as a human right. The Whyhunger hotline refers people in need across the u.s. to food pantries, soup kitchens, summer meals sites, government nutrition programs and model grassroots organizations.expenses: $747,682 grants $15,175general media for program services - implements the organizational strategic communications, marketing and programmatic initiatives that maximizes awareness about Whyhunger's work in the movement to end hunger and poverty by raising the organization's profile and visibility as a trusted resource and increasing engagement across audiences as the voice of "Whyhunger." Also works to broaden the organization's impact and support the movement for food justice by changing the dominant narrative from advancing food charity as the primary solulution to hunger, to one that focuses on nutritious food as a human right as the solution. This is done through authentic storytelling, education, advocacy and supporting partner initiatives. Expenses: $651,076 grants $3,190