Program areas at Wilberforce International Institute
2023 BIENNIAL GLOBAL SUMMIT Wilberforce International Institute exists "To equip internationals to bring Christ-centered transformation to their societies." To this end we employ a long-term strategy of education and mentoring of internationals as they study in both the USA and abroad. We continue this mentoring process as they develop into Wilberforce Fellows who have developed and implemented their own redemptive projects in their home societies. All Wilberforce Fellows are expected to share and reproduce their redemptive work with other likeminded people in their home communities. In 2015 Wilberforce launched biennial Global Summits in order to bring Wilberforce Fellows together to share, be renewed, and to learn new skills in order to expand their redemptive visions. The 2023 Global Summit brought together many of our internationals from around the US and the world in a unique environment where they could both learn from and teach one another about how to be more effective redemptive change agents. We had fifty-plus people in attendance at the 2023 Global Summit, which was held over four days in Snoqualmie, Washington. The Summit provided a matchless forum for all in attendance to hear from expert speakers and presenters who introduced them new and necessary knowledge on topics like a Christian view of parenting, how to utilize mediated formats in redemptive change, etc.
INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL/SPEAKING/VISION Wilberforce faculty traveled to Japan, Singapore, and Tanzania in order to consult with and encourage Wilberforce Fellows who are working in their home societies for redemptive change. This included multiple speaking engagements and seminars taught locally in conjunction with Wilberforce Fellows. Multiple communities were served, along with other individuals besides the Wilberforce Fellows. Public lectures on corruption and entrepreneurship in both Asia and Africa were attended by several hundred people.
MENTORING AND ASSOCIATED MINISTRY TO STUDENTS Mentoring more than 50 international students to be redemptive change agents in their home societies and associated ministry services to the broader student population. Provided ministry services to more than 50 other international and American students, former students, academics, and others. The major accomplishment and event this year was the 2023 Biennial Global Summit.
WRITING AND RESEARCH Research and writing to enhance the training of redemptive change agents, including publication of the newly revised and updated version of Taming the Beast: Can We Bridle the Culture of Corruption? Blogs were published on Wilberforce International Institute website, along with online reviews and other published articles.
AFRICA BIBLE AND CORRUPTION PROJECT During the 2023 calendar year Wilberforce International Institute developed, tested, and published, in both French and English, an 88-page African-focused workbook that accompanies our book Taming the Beast, Can We Bridle the Culture of Corruption? The goal of this workbook is to facilitate workshops in Africa in anti-corruption with the long-term goal of creating cultures where corruption is no longer tolerated or seen as normative. Use of this workbook began in late 2023.
TRAINING AND INSTRUCTION Continuous and ongoing development of training curriculum for college students and the broader community. This included our signature Comparative Worldviews and Anti-Corruption courses with 21 students enrolled, representing five different nations. We further developed the Anti-Corruption course into a credited graduate level online course for The New International University, in which eight students from around the world were enrolled in Fall 2023. Four Fellows were scholarshipped into the second year of an advanced two-year online program in fundraising and program development. Besides courses, Wilberforce faculty gave over 15 lectures during the year.
MINISTRY COLLABORATION Partnered with ministry partners, national/international organizations, churches, and international student leaders in Campus Prayer Meetings, collaborative projects, and program enhancements. Included in this was travel to international ministry conferences to enhance the visibility of Wilberforce International Institute and the work that we are doing. The staff also participated in board leadership of various organizations.