Program areas at Wild At Heart / Ransomed Heart Ministries
Wild at Heart promotes the message of recovering the treasure of the Gospel, setting men and women free to live from the heart as God's intimate allies which was accomplished in 2023 by having five events: a Deeper Event in March for 121 men and women, a Garden Event in April for 5 women, a Deeper Event in May in the UK for 78 men and women, a Captivating event in Wales for 198 women in October, and a Survival School Event for 432 men in November. The ministry delivers its message in many formats: through resources (books, study guides, audio, and video downloads) available on the website, answering emails and mail correspondence, providing free daily readings (devotional readings) sent out electronically to 79,600 individuals, free weekly audio podcasts available with 17,736,590 all-time downloads, and 27,000 average downloads per episode, monthly newsletters to 20,600 constituents and email correspondence to 89,900 constituents. There have been over 1,200 completed BASIC events and CORE events held by WAH allies since the inception of the program. There are two short online teaching video resources called the Wild at Heart Experience and the Captivating Experience that have had more than 7,000 completions each after being released in March 2021. The ministry has a Facebook group page that has over 148,000 Likes," another Facebook page for women with 109,000 Likes, and a Wild at Heart Instagram feed with 26,900 subscribers. Wild at Heart has a YouTube channel with 18,200 subscribers. The ministry reaches out to men in their thirties and forties through a Become Good Soil email and a podcast list of 7,450. The free One Minute Pause app for meditations was new in 2020 after the release of John's book Get Your Life Back and now has more than 487,000 accounts with over 1,344,000 completed pauses over the past 90 days. The Pause app has been updated with a special program called "30 Days to Resilient" which features content and meditation on John Eldredge's recent book Resilient, Restoring Your Soul in These Turbulent Times which was released in June 2022. To date, more than 35,000 individuals have completed the 30-day program.