Program areas at Wild Tomorrow Fund
Habitat conservation: Wild Tomorrow Fund funds the conservation of land in strategic, biodiverse areas in order to protect and reconnect habitat for wildlife. This includes the protection, restoration and re-wilding of the greater ukuwela nature reserve, a wildlife corridor in south africa (including both the ukuwela and mfuleni properties).
Community support: Wild Tomorrow Fund works to ensure the local people of the mduku community surrounding Wild Tomorrow Fund south africa's wildlife conservation area benefit from and are an active part of wildlife conservation. This includes the employment by Wild Tomorrow Fund south africa of 14 community women, the "green mambas", who undertake habitat restoration work at wildlife reserves, and the construction and support of two daycare centers for young children. Through our local partner, lessons in conservation, we educate young african children about the importance of nature and conservation.
Wildlife protection: Wild Tomorrow Fund provides support for the protection of wildlife at private and government reserves in southern africa and at the reserves owned and managed by Wild Tomorrow Fund south africa. We Fund the provision of essential supplies, equipment and training for rangers, anti-poaching teams and conservation managers to enable them to keep wildlife safe. This includes funding wildlife collaring/gps tags for monitoring elephants, pangolins, rhinos and other threatened species, rhino horn trimming for anti-poaching, and the provision of feed, milk & support for security costs at two regional rhino orphanages.
Guest and volunteer conservation experiences: Wild Tomorrow Fund operates a conservation experience program. Volunteers contribute to pay the costs of their experience while also making a donation to support our work. Each volunteer travels to south africa to learn about critical conservation issues by participating personally in conservation activities. This year a significant portion of expenses was granted to Wild Tomorrow Fund south africa npc to Fund the construction of lodging for guests.