Program areas at San Antonio Marriage Initiative
Our team empowered local Marriage leaders through in-person roundtables, church event support and the certification of new Marriage coaches, supporting over 200 local events and uniquely coming alongside over 40 churches. Sami continued to collaborate with the family law community building relationships necessary to improve marital health outcomes and create divorce prevention opportunities.
San Antonio Marriage Initiative elevated 346 resources for Marriage enrichment and support into communities across the nation. Sami provided vital training and encouragement to Marriage leaders across the country, helping to empower 22 community Marriage Initiative teams with 70 high- quality Marriage resources exclusively provided to this community of Marriage champions.
Our team fostered relationships with over 200 national content leaders which allowed high-quality Marriage resources to be exclusively provided to our community of Marriage champions. We engaged more than 2m people and reached 22k faithful followers with Marriage help and hope across varied digital platforms.
Sami led national Marriage week (nmw)2023, working with local and national Marriage leaders to create a movement across the united states to help people see the value Marriage has on society. This has come in the form of media interviews, date nights and Marriage conferences, as well as promotion through social media. Sami is honored to be entrusted to lead the nmw campaign forward into 2024.