Program areas at Wisconsin Association for Homeless and Runaway Services
A Runaway service facility provides temporary shelter and crisis intervention counseling Services to runaways and other youth in crisis. Crisis intervention counseling is also provided for parents and families. Agencies make every effort to encourage family members to participate with youth in counseling.runaway programs accept self-referrals and voluntary referrals from youth, caregivers, families, and agencies with youth free to discontinue use of service to any time. Crisis intervention Services are available to any youth or parent requesting assistance. All Services are free of charge and available on a 24 hour basis.runaway programs act to prevent Runaway episodes by follow up, aftercare, and preventative activities. Programs involve service linkages with youth serving public and private sector agencies, insuring cooperative relations and effective referrals. The Runaway program must have plans for meeting the best interests of the youth involving, whenever possible, both the youth and caregivers. In Runaway programs, a unique counselor-client relationship is established, which stresses the qualities of trust and confidentiality. Youth make their own decisions in a supportive environment with appropriate advice as to their alternatives.job training and counseling programs include the Wisconsin transitional living programs and americorps program.transitional living programs are aimed to provide longer term residential Services to Homeless youth ages 16-21 for up to 18 months. These Services are designed to help youth who are Homeless make a successful transition to self-sufficient living. The following Services are provided through the transitional living program: safe, stable living accommodations; basic life-skill building, including consumer education and instruction in budgeting, using credit, housekeeping, menu planning, food preparation, and parenting skills; interpersonal skill building, including enhancing young people's abilities to establish positive relationships with peers and adults, make decisions, and manage stress; educational opportunities, such as ged preparation, postsecondary training, or vocational education; assistance in job preparation and attainment, such as career counseling and job placement; education, information, and counseling to prevent, treat, and reduce substance abuse; mental health care, including individual and group counseling; physical health care, including routine physicals, health assessments, and emergency treatment.runaway programs have seen major increases in Homeless youth. These youth, who live on the street, are in very high risk situations, with few resources and virtually no support system. As a response to this phenomenon, the Wisconsin Association for Runaway Services, in collaboration with the Wisconsin board for national and community service, provides a team of americorps members to provide street outreach Services and mobile response teams for referrals from police departments, schools, and other youth serving agencies. The americorps members are available to youth who are Homeless, runaways, or in crisis and are therefore on the street. Members frequent areas in the community where youth congregate, such as parks, malls, convenience stores, etc. Youth are provided with hygiene packets, food vouchers, transportation vouchers, clothes, educational materials, and, most importantly, referral Services to provide them with safe alternatives to the street. The members also are available to police and school personnel, by responding directly to referrals. Twenty-five americorps members are providing these outreach Services in 36 counties, ensuring Runaway, Homeless, and youth in crisis have a strong support system and alternatives to the street.