Program areas at Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association Incorporated
The organization publishes a 44-page quarterly magazine with educational articles on sustainable forest management techniques, managing Wisconsin's timber types, timber harvesting and taxes, landowner assistance programs, forest health issues (insects, diseases, invasives), wildlife habitat and management, forest regeneration and tree planting, legacy and estate planning, and forest recreation.
Association awarded two 5,000 forestry leader scholarships for forestry students attending the university of wi-stevens point.
The organization holds a 4 day educational annual meeting for our members. The meeting included tours of a tree farm, geological features, museums, cultural features, and sustainably built and managed buildings. Member presentations included how to grow christmas trees, research your land's history, and recovery from storm damage. Keynote was the wi dnr secretary on caring for our natural resources. Concurrent session speakers presented on wild harvesting of useful and edible plants, carbon sequestration, and status of wi bats. The field day presenters covered attracting bluebirds, deer browse and fencing, timber harvesting, tree planting and care, cost sharing projects, forest health issues, caring for wetlands, chain saw safety and wildlife habitat.
The organization partnered with wdnr to create and hold a women Woodland Owners overnight educational program at the lion's camp in rosholt for 80 women in may 2023. Topics included tree id, nature looms, forest health, pollinators, a bird walk, amphibians, and engaging kids in the outdoores. Membership and publications committees reached out to more than 1300 nonmember Woodland Owners by mailing them a copy of Wisconsin woodlands magazine to educate them and encourage them to sustainably managed their resources. Ran the 3rd class of the Woodland mentor program pairing experienced members with inexperienced members to help them learn about managing their woods sustainably and network with like minded individuals. Program consisted of updating 10 online topic modules and collecting publications on various topics to share with those participating. Communicate with members regularly using our weekly learn something educational topics and member enewsletters, website, and facebook to inform members of educational experiences and landowner resources to assist them in caring for their woodlands.