Program areas at Wolverine Human Services
Wolverine secure treatment center previously,licensed to provide high secured residential treatment Services. The treatment program used an eclectic approach which was based on the Wolverine treatment model blending reality therapy, behavior modification, traditional group, family and individual counseling and recreational activities. The program previously included a combination of vocational work-study and traditional classroom education. Days of care: 0
Vasser house treatment center the center is a residential behavioral health program for young women.the major focus of the 90-day treatment regimen is chemical dependency treatment and trauma recovery. A unique "trauma informed" behavioral approach combined with methods for aimed at creating new options for young women. Days of care: 5,281
Pioneer work and learn center the residential program offers a unique blend of reality therapy, behavior modification,traditional group, family and individual counseling, recreational and outdoor therapeutic programming. Vocational workstudy programming is offered to instill a positive work ethic and to teach marketable job skills to assist young men returning to their communities and finding employment opportunities. Onsite education Services are provided by accredited teachers. Services included onsite school psychologists, social workers and teachong consultants for special education Services, as well as a ged testing center and ged lab. Days of care: 2,630
Wolverine shelter: the shelter program was developed to provide emergency placements for males due to abuse and neglect. Many of these youths have been removed from violent or emotionally tense situations. The main goal of the shelter is to provide protection and supervision. The program provides group discussion, social skill classes, individual counseling, complete assessments including behavioral, educational, psychological and/or psychiatric and health care to assist fia workers in case planning. Days of care: 5,187 foster care Services: our program offers two types of Services; generalized forster care Services a specialized foster care Services. Generalized foster care Services are aimed at providing a safe, supportive and stable environment for the young person to reside in while social service workers expore and support the family's efforts towards reunification. For specialized foster care Services, intensive treatment interventions are applied towards youth wh hwve severe emotional, behavioral and physical problems. Youth are placed with foster parents specifically licensed abd trained to deal with special needs populations. Days of care: 46,629 supevised independent living Services: the program is licensed and contracted to service foster care and delinquent youth throughout the state of Michigan. Our primary goal is to teach youth the art of independence. As the youth approches the age of adulthood, skilled social service workers administer a variety of individualized assessments and treatment interventions. Treatment interventions support the youth's ability to build self-sufficiency skills, access community supports and obtain educational and emotional maturity. Days of care: 2,242 clarence fischer leaderhip academy: the residential academy program combines Wolverine's successful treatment model for residencial care with a militay model designed to instill disipline, self-confidence and teach team work. The program design is based on a six-month model. This is a treatment-based military high school and not a boot camp. It boasts a 97% completion rate since it's inception. The program does not use any type of degrading communication and its purpose is to build good self-esteem. The daily schedule is highly structured to include physical training, drilling, marching and other strenuous physical activities along with treatment Services. Days of care: 5,205 Michigan couseling center: fee for Services professional couseling.