Program areas at WFC
Reach (reaching every adolescent to create hope) provides outreach, case management, crisis intervention, psychoeducational groups, and academic assistance to youth ages 12-24. Transitional housing is available to those between the ages of 18-21. Advocates help youth to identify the barriers that prevent them from remaining stably housed, and guide them to a social and educational path that will lead to an improved quality of life and self-sufficiency. In 2021-2022, the program touched the lives of 200 at- risk youth. One youth indicated, "with the help of this program, i have a place that my daughter and i can call our own."
Star is a before & after school program located in three of meriden's elementary schools. Parent fees are determined by a sliding fee scale. Experienced staff help children (grades k-5) to discover the magic of learning through engagement in hands-on activities, field trips and special guest presentations focusing on science, technology, engineering, art, and math (steam). In addition, children who participate in the program are assisted with their homework by credentialed tutors. Recently a parent raved about her child's vastly improved grades. The parent noted, "without the after school program, his success wouldn't be possible."
Sacs (sexual assault crisis services) offers no-cost, 24 hour crisis intervention to survivors of sexual violence and their loved ones in meriden, wallingford, cheshire, middlesex county, new haven, woodbridge, bethaney, east haven, hamden, north haven, branford, north branford, guilford, and madison. Additional services include short-term counseling, accompaniment to the hospital and through the criminal justice system, support groups and referrals to additional community resources. Counselors help clients to build the supports and skills needed to alleviate the stressors they may be experiencing, and to reclaim power, control, and a sense of safety and security. A client recently stated, "if it weren't for this group, i might have never talked about my abuse."
Open dohr employment and training program serves low-income youth and adults who are unemployed, underemployed, or lacking the necessary skills to compete in today's job market. Through programs for those with low english language proficiency and/or basic skill deficits, and "in-demand" occupational training programs, participants are prepared for career- oriented jobs such as emergency medical technician, customer service, certified nurse aide, and more. In addition, open dohr specilizes in providing holistic, intensive case management designed to identify logistical, social-emotional, financial and educational barriers to obtaining self-sufficiency. The program empowers students with the tools and information to reduce or eliminate these barriers and help them to achieve their goals.