Program areas at Women of Alabaster
Day Ministry: Women of Alabaster (WOA) offers women a place of refuge providing meals, a quiet place to rest, counseling and prayer. During 2023, WOA Day Ministries welcomed 73 new guests. Total visits betwen the two Day Ministry locations (downtown Cincinnati and Hamilton, Ohio) totaled 623 during the year. Each Day Ministry operates two days every week. Through the Day Ministry programs, WOA builds trusting relationships in providing client trips to medical and legal appointments, assistance with clothing, tioletreis and groceries, and transportation to detox or recovery facilities. During 2023, seven ladies made the decision to enter long term treatment.WOA collaborates with several other ministries, including the UC Health HIV Program, Path Homeless Team and Transitional Living Consultants, Salvation Army End Slavery and the Addiction Council, in order to provide the best pathway to freedom for victims of sex-trafficking.
Connections: Survivor Connections, Community Involvement and EducationContinuing Support to Survivors: WOA maintains long term relationships with survivors of sex-trafficking who have chosen the next step in a pathway to freedom through Dinner and Devotions, as well as through Annual Retreats for ladies progressing through their recovery.Community Involvement and Education: The founder and director for Women of Alabaster is frequently asked to speak about care for victims and solutions to sex-trafficking. The number of speaking engagements, including churches, local organizations, and government representatives, average around 10 per month.
Outreach teams connect with women currently on the streets, offering food, toiletries and prayer - making the initial connection in building trusting relationships. During 2023, outreach teams made 317 connections with ladies "on the streets." Locations for outreach are continuously adjusted to reflect the need, with weekly outreaches taking place in Over-the Rhine, the West End, Price Hill and Hamilton, OH. The success of the outreach in Hamilton to connect with women seeking a pathway to freedom was the impetus for expanding WOA's Day Ministry to Hamilton, Ohio in early 2022. During 2023, Women of Alabaster was invited into the Butler County jail, where WOA now meets with women in the recovery pod twice a month providing pastoral care, including one on one prayer and Bible study. On a monthly basis, the ladies participate in a Celebrate Recovery Bible Study. Since starting the program in 2023, there have been 78 connections within the Butler County Jail, including baptisms for 15 women making the life-changing decision for Jesus.
Other Program expenses include expenses for the final month of operating AGAPE Farm along with Grants issued to related organizations. WOA recognizes that many other organizations provide pathways to freedom for the less fortunate, including the victims of sex-trafficking. WOA "shares the blessing" with non-profits who have a mission in line with "Providing a pathway to freedom for victims of sex-trafficking."