Program areas at Ayada Leads
1- We recruit and train African Diaspora women to run for office. Ayada Leads encourages women to run for office while leveraging their identities. We identify and recruit potential candidates for civic leadership and suitable public seats, committees, and boards. We provide cutting-edge campaign tools tailored for African diaspora women. 2- Our voter education and civic literacy equip our members with the knowledge and skills that will help them become positive contributors to their communities. Ayada Leads organizes workshops and creates social media campaigns in both English and Somali to empower women and their families to vote. Members of our communities are often unaware of the power local elected officials hold. Community members learn about elected officials' roles and responsibilities. They are strongly encouraged to vote in local and state elections that affect their daily lives. All of these positions, from mayors to city councilors to county commissioners to school board members to county attorneys and judges, can have a big impact on the lives of citizens. Depending on their actions, these officials can either promote or confront racism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia. Our community is made aware of the fact that their vote is their voice through our outreach programs. 3- Advocacy plays a crucial role in the success and impact of our organizations. As a powerful tool, it allows us to influence policies, promote change, and generate long-term social impact. As part of our advocacy efforts, we collaborate with other stakeholders, such as grassroots activists, community groups, and individuals. Through alliances, we are able to leverage collective resources, knowledge, and expertise to bring about change. Developing these partnerships not only maximizes the impact of our advocacy efforts but also creates a network of support and common goals that strengthen the overall impact on our communities. 4- Parent engagement. African diaspora families' challenges are not isolated to the home but can impact every aspect of their own and children's lives: education, health, housing, and employment - to name just a few. By recognizing the challenges our community faces, our program helps parents understand how they can be more involved with their children's schools. Parents examine their leadership qualities, identify critical school-centered issues, and learn how to establish parent leadership teams. Through the tools they acquire, they will be able to conduct productive meetings with the principal or school staff. At the end of the sessions, parents will present the most urgent needs affecting students at that school, based on their perspective. Parents then serve as liaisons and role models for other parents. 5- We use mentoring as a tool for social mobility. Ayada Leads believes that young women should not be restrained by their families' socioeconomic background and should instead pursue an economic likelihood based on their talent and interest. Our mentorship program is intended to help young women to have an equal opportunity to achieve the economic success they desire. Our comprehensive pathways have been assisting young women from low-wage families with the opportunity to access knowledge and resources.