Program areas at Women's Federation For World Peace
In February 2023 we were able to inaugurate our new President, Kaeleigh Moffitt. Thanks to theincredible foundation of her predecessor, Angelika Selle, as well as the many volunteers andsupporters in the field WFWP USA continues to grow and expand its reach in empoweringwomen.Impact & Growth Highlights Women's Education 4,439 women were reached through local and national programs Women's Empowerment 4 educational webinars were hosted by Global Womenfs Peace Network 12 women leaders were given HerStory Awards WFWP Membership 96 new members & donors (gave for the first time in 2023) Currently at 812 members & donors Raised +$25,000 in new income this year Women's Leadership 250 GWPN leaders confirmed in our database Gave out 98 copies of our Founderfs Memoir to women leaders Next Gen. Leaders 43 women under 40 engaged in leadership Social Media 500,000+ people were reached through our social media content 350% increase in reach from last year +4 new social media influencersDevelopment HighlightsRevitalizing the Bridge of PeaceSix signature Bridge of Peace programs were held across the country including a brand newpre-educational session for all bridge crossers featuring Mother Moonfs peace philosophy ofreconciliation and conflict transformation.The Elizabeth, New Jersey Bridge of Peace on October 14 was particularly moving. Crescentia DeGoede, representing a Judeo-Christian background, shared a tearful bridge crossing with Faleeha Hassan, representing Islam. As they shared their peace promises with one another, the entire room feltthe impact of their commitment to fostering forgiveness of the past and reconciliation for the future. We believe that women can uniquely transform conflicts through true love and the heart of a mother.Celebrating Women PeacemakersThis year, we had the privilege of recognizing 12 women peacemakers across the United States throughthe presentation of the HerStory Award. This accolade serves as a homage to women who embody theessence of peace leadership, guided by the logic of love. We not only celebrate their accomplishmentsbut also acknowledge the extraordinary journeys that have shaped them, illustrating their resilience,courage, and compassion in the face of adversity. Through sharing the valuable lessons drawn from their experiences, each awardee becomes a source of inspiration, motivating others to follow suit. As part of our mission, we are dedicated to spreading the uplifting stories of the impactful contributions made by women in leadership roles and welcoming them into the Global Womenfs Peace Network.Unveiling the Essence of WomanhoodThanks to the model of our founder, Mother Moon, we are excited to open up a new chapter in whichmen and women can work together in partnership as they were originally created. To do that, however,we must take time to unveil the story of womanhood which has been hidden for so long. And that is whywe created gWholeheartedh, a 7-week educational series based on the gMother of Peaceh memoir.Designed exclusively for WFWP USA members, gWholeheartedh aims to help us embark on a journey ofunveiling the essence of womanhood. This year we launched our new series virtually with over 170registrants.Feedback from Wholehearted:1. Wholehearted is better than my therapy sessions2. I realized my energy, power and identity as a women is larger than i thought before, and myimpact can be so much greater3. Every facilitator prepared the presentation so well and I could sense their deep heart behind itall. I believe the sincerity moved everyone who attended, it certainly moved me deeply and itproved to me how much spiritual power one can express. It is very encouraging and it motivatesme to try harder and be a better example to others.A New Wave of WFWP LeadersWe know that our future depends on the next generation. In 2023 we set off to share our impactfulmission. Centered on the vision of our Founder, we were able to usher in a brand new generation ofwomen leaders. 43+ next generation women leadersThe leadership of our founder, Mother Moon, has inspired dozens of young women leaders which hasushered in a new generation of women who are eager to contribute to and carry on the legacy ofWomenfs Federation for World Peace. From taking on roles in our home office, to spearheading newyoung womenfs small groups, wefre excited to see the innovation developing in the field.Statement from an emerging WFWP leader: I decided to get involved because I was inspired by the newvision for WFWP and saw the possibility for more of my generation to get involved in a meaningful way.Partnering with Women LeadersThe Global Women's Peace Network (GWPN) continues to welcome outstanding women leaders into thefray of our activities. From grassroots leaders and non-profit founders to elected officials representing their cities, wefve grown our network significantly this year.Along with our local impact projects hosted by GWPN coordinators, wefve been gathering womenleaders virtually through educational webinars. Each of our webinars features a section of MotherMoon's Peace Philosophy and is expanded on by the wisdom and experiences of our GWPN leadingladies.We partnered with our local outreach teams to compile a database of our Global Women PeaceNetwork. Now we are able to actively engage 250+ women leaders across the United Nates in ourmonthly online programs.Leadership Training for the HeartOur entire leadership team has been diving into the Peace Philosophy of Mother Moon from hermemoir, Mother of Peace. As we endeavor to make her vision the heartbeat of our organization, weare each finding new life and inspiration for our work. We hosted 3-week virtual daily study programs of Mother Moon's peace philosophy in April and August. The more we studied, the more we found inspiration for our work.Feedback from a WFWP Chairwoman: I have gotten so much nourishment and a new perspective ofwhat Heavenly Motherfs heart and Mother Moonfs heart will do to change this world... with this inputI've gotten from this prayer time I see a new direction that we have to go.Enhanced Value of WFWP MembershipWe reached out to new and former members of WFWP and were able to increase membershipactivation with 134 new and renewed members and donors.Each month we offer virtual programs which bring forward the voice and perspective of women leadersprograms, we created our first ever members-only educational program Wholehearted. Along withregular programming, we launched a brand new platform for resources which is exclusive to WFWPmembers and offered WFWP members discounts for new children's books and calendars.Our Social Media PresenceWe know the value of our philosophy and wanted to make sure the world had access to theselife-changing insights. We created a messaging style guide that dictates what we uniquely offer to the social media landscape and found a team to help us deliver that content.We believe our messaging is a solution for what many women are looking for. Our social mediamessaging addresses many of the problems for women today:1. We don't understand the value and power of womanhood.2. Women see themselves in competition with men.3. We don't know the original essence of our Creator.Together with our growing social media influencer team, we were able to drastically increase our social media outreach to 500,000+ people viewing our content. This growth is a 350% increase as compared to 2022.