Program areas at Women's Foundation of Alabama
Philanthropywomen's Foundation of Alabama's (wfa) grantmaking supports high-impact programs and public policy advocacy initiatives proven to accelerate economic opportunity for women. As a part of our strategy, we provided technical assistance to community colleges and girl-serving organizations, implementing models and curricula created by the Foundation. In 2023, ten community colleges across the state were funded to implement our student parent success model, which aligns a career-specific training program with wraparound support services, including high-quality childcare, transportation, and coaching for student parents. 2023 marked our first statewide competitive grant cycle for the Foundation in its history. The 45 of grants awarded in 2023 impacted over 6,000 women and girls across our three focus areas.
Advocacyto address gender inequities, wfa leverages public policy advocacy as a strategic tool for change because we know that philanthropy alone is not enough. To shift the paradigm from charity to justice, wfa championed nonpartisan common sense policy solutions supporting Women's economic opportunity. Our 2023 agenda for women urged Alabama lawmakers to advance equity through workplace supports and maternal health. Informed by our research, our agenda focused on what women need to enter and remain in the workforce: childcare, maternal health, and workforce opportunities. We were successful in increasing state investments to scale proven workforce development models, expand funding for childcare, safe-guarding the investment to the maternal mortality review and continued funding for the postpartum medicaid coverage.
Researchwomen's Foundation of Alabama commissions and communicates research to shape policy, spur public dialogue, and elevate issues most impacting Women's economic opportunity. In 2023, we released clearing the path: a business case for childcare. The report examines the impact of expanded childcare options on Alabama's businesses, economy and families. As we look ahead to the future, the demand for a skilled labor force will only increase as Alabama continues to attract and grow business and industry necessary to undergird a vibrant economy. The report outlines the challenges facing Alabama's childcare system and offers recommendations for business leaders, state lawmakers, and the broader advocacy community to address those challenges. We distributed more than 7,000 copies of clearing the path: the business case for childcare.