Program areas at CNE
Public education - Woodson Center's public education program includes publications, handbooks, videotapes, media releases, and other dissemenation of information, best practices, and successful principles generated in the programs of the Center so that others can benefit from what is learned and adapt and implement the information to their programs.
Community affiliate network - is a nationwide association of community-based leaders who are solving america's most challenging social problems from the ground up. We currently have hundreds of organizations and individuals within the network spread across the country. Through can, these organizations and individuals can network, find potential collaborators, and share best practices. Can also assists its members through the can mini-grant program. This program allows grassroots organizations to develop a project, obtain modest funding, and present the results of the project without having to navigate the cumbersome paperwork and bureaucratic barriers that often prevent smaller, more nimble organizations from being funded.
1776 unites - launched in february of 2020, 1776 unites is a movement to liberate tens of millions of americans by helping them become agents of their own uplift and transformation. It represents a nonpartisan and intellectually diverse alliance of writers, thinkers, and activists focused on solutions to our country's greatest challenges in education, culture, and upward mobility. Our scholars and activists frequently appear on national and local media, making the case for limited government and the application of free market principles to social problems. Our on-the-ground activists regularly provide evidence for the efficacy of this approach. 1776 unites maintains a special focus on voices in the black community that celebrate black excellence, reject victimhood culture, and showcase the millions of black americans who prosper by embracing america's founding ideals. Because suffering in the black community is frequently weaponized against our country, we believe it is crucial black patriots be among its most vocal defenders. 1776 unites offerings include essays and white papers by our scholars, a series of public events featuring both scholars and activists, and a free curriculum with new lessons released monthly.