Program areas at WOS
Workforce Outsource Services, Inc. trains and employs inner-city, rural and underserved populations. The Organization also provided services for returning enlisted post 9-11 military veterans. The Organization forms strategic relationships with corporations, institutes of higher education, social-ventures and government agencies for training and jobs. The Organization has started expanding to other inner-cities across the country. To date services the organization has expanded their operation from New York in a number of states such as Florida, Indiana, Alabama, South Carolina, Washington DC, Virginia Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Iowa, Georgia, Connecticut, Oregon, Louisiana, California and New Jersey. Products and services include Software Engineering - Technical Specifications and Quality Assurance, Project Management, Database Design, Call Center Operations, Network Administration, Cyber security, Claims processing, Equipment mechanic, Sales Representative, Finance and accounting and E-Commerce Systems.Workers at the Organization can receive extensive training in all of the above areas through concentrations programs at Columbia University, Rutgers, Penn State, University of Akron, North Carolina Charlotte, Georgia Institute of Technology, Collin College, Universal Technical institute, North East Iowa College, Western Connecticut State University, El Paso Community College, University of Texas El Paso, University of Michigan Dearborn, Tennessee State, Northeastern University, and Louisiana State University. Workforce Outsource Services, Inc. is engaged in research activities and reporting that measure the intellectual, social, and self-esteem of its students engaged in the program.Workforce Outsource Services also offers a community-based initiative to assist our local community in New York and Dallas to take advantage of opportunities for advancement. This outreach, called WOS in the Community, enables us to provide a variety of training and opportunities to bolster the employment-related skills of residents.Through this effort, we have established the WOS Learning Center to offer free workshops, which can be delivered online or in person, and classes that will help individuals navigate our ever-changing economic landscape. The workshops include Business Writing Essentials; Interviewing in Person and Over the Phone; Professionalism in the Workplace; and other interpersonal skills development such as teamwork, time-management and goal setting. WOS has partnered with Teachers College and created an exclusive Workforce & Education Development Advanced Certificate.The research results are reported in aggregate and used solely towards the general awareness of how under-served populations respond to assistance and higher education. Research results are also published in academic peer-reviewed journals.WOS On Demand is a national program to allow sponsoring corporations to assist underserved individuals or small groups as opposed to sponsoring a cohort.Workforce has established its first Service and Operations Center to provide a number of innovative onshore services for client organizations. Located in Dallas, Texas, the Center is already providing IT service desk support (L1-L3) and cybersecurity analytics for, IBM mainframe operations, mechanics skills preparation and IT operations support for sponsors including Microsoft PowerBI. The Center will also provide additional services including: Service Desk Analytics Cyber SOC Services Call Center Quality Assurance Shared Services Legacy Application Support