Program areas at Working Assumptions Foundation
Art education - through a learner-centered educationprogram, wrkxfmly, we engage students from diversecommunities around the country to make photos that explorethe interplay of work and family in their lives. Ourteaching artists work with high school photography teachersto facilitate the wrkxfmly curriculum and to supportstudents' needs as they work through the assignment. Theyare trained not only to deliver and support engaged photoeducation but also in methods for Working with students on,what can be for many, a sensitive topic. Art experience - we design and facilitate opportunities forreflection and conversation about the daily intersection ofwork and family life, through public art installations,online experiences, community events, and print materialsdesigned for schools, art venues, public and businessspaces. We offer exhibition installation as a "kit of parts" for a gallery featuring local and national photographic works.
Art lab - Working Assumptions incubates, tests, and develops new ideas, projects, partnerships, and art that explore the work and family interplay, including caregiving and family-making. Working Assumptions is especially interested in opportunities to further critical thinking about our values and our expectations about productivity, power, vulnerability, and nurturing. We systematically seek out and collaborate with similarly driven multimedia organizations and thought partners to further explore those values and expectations, and we do so by combining research, expertise, and the power of visual communication.
Grants program - as part of our high school photography program, wrkxfmly, which engages students to explore the theme of work and family in their lives, we offer a grant program to participating high schools so that they might further engage students and amplify the conversation around work and family through exhibitions, panels and presentations, the creation of print materials like posters, field trips to art shows exploring the theme, and more. We also offer grant opportunities that recognize and reward professional artists, writers, and scholars whose work rethinks Assumptions of power and authority, addresses family diversity and changing roles, and explores ecologies of care.