Program areas at World Privacy Forum
Privacy research - World Privacy Forum conducts ground-breaking original Privacy research of high quality and importance. Medical id theft, health Privacy, including electronic health records Privacy and related issues such as hie Privacy issues, facial recognition and biometric Privacy, including retail and national id applications of the technologies, multi-national and cross-border Privacy, student Privacy, opt-out methodologies effectiveness, data broker research, financial Privacy research, and substantial internet Privacy research, including policy effectiveness, consumer understanding, and technical issues.
Policy - World Privacy Forum is asked to testify before congress and the federal trade commission on various consumer Privacy topics as well as present our research. World Privacy Forum is also asked to assist efforts such as the department of commerce multi-stakeholder process and serve on boards such as California's medical id theft board. We engage at this level but we do not use funds for lobbying. Our main focus is on consumer education and Privacy research.
Consumer education - World Privacy Forum has a strong focus on consumer Privacy education activities. Our key activities are in the area of healthcare Privacy, hipaa, health technology and Privacy, internet Privacy, mobile privacy,student Privacy, biometrics, how-to articles for consumers on multiple topics, and frequently asked questions for victims of Privacy challenges, especially in the area of medical id theft and other forms of identity theft, data breaches and other kinds of data leakages, and opt out. Activities focus on multiple age ranges.