Program areas at Wyoming 2-1-1
Kinship connections of Wyoming is designated to serve as a one-stop shop for information and referral services, provide an advocate and liaison for grandparents or other kin who are needing assistance with navigating the supports and services, network and empower families to support and advocate for one another. The overall outcomes of the program are to provide navigation services that include helping families access resources, decreasing interactions with child welfare programs, increasing child safety, permanency, and wellbeing for the caregiver and the children they are caring for.
Covid-19 - in march 2020, Wyoming 211 and the Wyoming department of health (wdh) partnered to provide a public telephone helpline for covid-19 questions and information. On march 16, 2020, Wyoming 211 stood up its call center to disseminate information related to the covid-19 pandemic. Wyoming 211 is still contracted with the state of Wyoming to be the covid helpline.
Aging and disability resource center - in march 2023, Wyoming 211 partnered with the Wyoming department of family services, Wyoming department of health, the university of Wyoming, Wyoming center on aging and the alzheimer's association of Wyoming to provide an aging and disability resource center (adrc). We hired our first navigator in april, and she has received certifications from the alliance of information and referral services (airs) for community resource specialists for aging/disabled certification, and by soar to assist disabled individuals with their ssi/ssdi applications and paperwork. Adrc navigators provide unbiased, objective information and assistance about a wide variety of topics including: aging and disability services and supports, long-term care planning, connections to resources for financial assistance, housing, transportation, nutrition, caregiver supports and services and so much more.
Ride united transportation access program: Wyoming 211 partnered with united way worldwide and lyft to address pressing transportation needs to help people access services for specific and needed situations. Rides can be scheduled for medical, employment, food, education, legal, housing, and financial services. Ride united provides up to ten (10) free or discounted round trip rides per month via lyft for eligible individuals who have transportation challenges. Limited rides may be available to assist clients in getting connected to needed services and should not be used for long distance and/or on-going transportation needs. The 211 specialist will explore long- term transportation options for future needs, if needed. This program ended in june 2023. Cie: throughout 2023, Wyoming 211 and the communicare steering committee continued their work to design and develop a community information exchange for the state of Wyoming. A community information exchange program which is a network of cross-sector partners who commit to sharing information and coordinating care with each other. Partners access a variety of tools and technology that help them identify client needs, close the loop on referrals, communicate with others working with shared clients, and better identify available resources. This program aims to improve access to community services, health and equity by improving coordination and communication between service providers. As a result, their shared clients have better and more efficient access to the services, care and support they need to improve their health, functioning and quality of life. The program is now slated to launch early spring 2024, in laramie county. The goal will to be take this program statewide. In december 2023 Wyoming 211 launched a mobile search engine app. In early 2023, Wyoming 211 was awarded 65,000 from the addressing basic needs and social determinants of health program, which is part of the covid-19 health disparity grant program. Utilizing this reimbursable grant, Wyoming 211 created a mobile app listing all services in the Wyoming 211 database to add another avenue for individuals across Wyoming to access resources.