Program areas at Wyoming Untrapped
Wyoming Untrapped (wu) educates citizens about the barbaric & inhumane nature of trapping & snaring & the dangers traps/snares pose to them, their pets & wildlife on public lands. Wu does this through education programs,workshops,public presentations, social media presence, billboard,newspaper articles,newsletters, rack cards, magazine advertisements, files & our robust website. Wu provide free online and printed "trap safety for pet owners' brochures encouraging the public to know how to safely release their pets from a dangerous situation. Our outreach benefits over 25,000 documented followers and innumberable wild & domestic animals.
Wu promotes coexistence & compassionate conservation of all wildlife. We do this through social media,advertising campaigns,reframing wildlife value through art and science, the beaver dam cam video collection project,as well as highlighting partners doing coexistence work and other's relevant scientific research. Wu supports on-the-ground projects that further enable wildlife, primarily furbearing, and humans to coexist in mutually beneficial ways. We promote non-lethal control of native wildlife species.
Wu advocates on behalf of wildlife. We advocate for wildlife mgmt reform that considers the public trust framework,compassions & good science. We seek to modernize trapping & snaring regulations,policies & statutes-incl 24hr/once a day mandatory checking of all trap/snares types, establishing trap-free zones,mandatory harvest reporting of all(target & non-target) animals caught,injured,released and/or taken in traps/snares by every trapper who is paid to trap or sell products of trapped animals (furbearing,predatory,other) for profit; & implementing techniques that decrease non-target catches & injuries.we guide our audience on why,what,how, and when to engage during relevant wy game & fish regulation updates, wy legislative process, federal agency, and other pertinent public comment opportunities.