Program areas at YBCBD
Cleaning and streetscape improvements - the clean team ("team") works to improve the appearance and cleanliness of the District daily from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm. The team stream cleans all sidewalks in the District once or twice a month, works daily on sidewalk cleaning and gutter sweeping, and removes trash on a frequent basis. The team also pulls weeds, cleans tree wells, removes graffiti, and paints poles and addition, guided by the Yerba Buena street life plan, the ybcbd invests in public realm improvements, including greening, public art, pedestrian, and bicycle improvements, as well as advocates for real public benefits related to neighborhood development projects.
Branding, activation, and marketing - marketing programs help strengthen the area's economic viability to make it more inviting to businesses and visitors. The ybcbd established a name and brand for the neighborhood, along with a neighborhood website that lists all businesses, events, and neighborhood news. The ybcbd also coordinates events that bring people to the neighborhood.
Safety and security - the Community guides ("guides") serve as goodwill ambassadors in the neighborhood. Guides provide information, directions, and connect those who need help to the right social services. Guides report maintenance issues such as areas in need of cleaning. Guides do not provide emergency response, but will call emergency dispatch to report issues. Up to six guides work 6:00 am to midnight, seven days a week. The ybcbd also engages two social services specialists to work with the street population and connect them to addition to existing police services, the san francisco police department ("sfpd") provides officers to the ybcbd under city administrative code section 10b. These officers are funded by the ybcbd and work 10 hours per day, 7 days per week. The 10b officer primarily addresses quality of life issues within the neighborhood and within the purview of sfpd, such as issuing citations for drinking, trespassing, permit violations, littering, and pedestrian safety instructions. The additional police presence adds 70 hours per week of police time to the 5,000 hours a week already provided by the southern District police station.
Sponsored projects - the annie north plaza project was made possible through a public partnership between san francisco public works, the ybcbd, and the adjacent property owners to the plaza. The new design removed old planters at the intersection of market street and annie alley to meet several goals of the ybcbd's 2019 street life plan, such as creating more flexible open space, and establishing better connections to alleyways (annie, jessie, and stevenson). The project was completed during the year ended june 30, 2022.