Program areas at Prattville YMCA
Physical program, youth & adult sports: these programs are offered, in part, at three locations and include swim programs, gymnastics, aquatic exercise, pre-school gymnastics, youth sports programs, adult sports programs, activities for families, adult senior aquatics, cardiac exercise programs, teen programs, and leaders club. These programs enhance youth development, promote social responsibility and develop healthy lifestyles. Financial assistance is provided for those in need of financial assistance.
Fitness centers, available at two locations: the Prattville Ymca fitness center's programs are designed to help people create realistic goals for self-improvement through regular exercise, proper nutrition, stress management, and health education. The fitness centers recognize the youth obesity problem and are working with pre-teens with a designated area with equipment and leadership to help develop habits and relationships that lead to a healthier lifestyle. Financial assistance is available to those in need of financial help.
Prattville Ymca child care program: the Prattville Ymca child care program provides high quality child care by providing comprehensive activities for preschool and school age children. Woven into the fabric of the Ymca mission is a commitment to youth development and strengthening families. Working parents know their children are safe and in a developmentally sound environment. Financial assistance is provided for those in need of financial help.