Program areas at York County Bar Foundation
Impact grants:the York County history center received funds for the 2023 articles of confederation day celebration at which an all-female cast of eighteen legal professionals from the York County Bar association performed the distaff side play in commemoration of the 246th anniversary. The York opioid collaborative received funds to support its work from the proceeds of the doctor vs. lawyers pickleball tournament proceeds. Better York c/o its fiscal agent logosworks partners received funding for its management of the yorksafenet feasibility study regarding a possible public security camera system in York city. Funds were provided to the County of York department of human services for support of the mental health equity summit initiative fostering education and conversation to address the mental health needs of our multi-cultural communities. Do moore good, the charity founded by filmmaker shuja moore, received funds to advance the important and impactful work of the pardon me film screenings and panel discussions throughout the commonwealth. Tenfold York received funds for a program to provide legal representation to eligible low-income people facing eviction grants and scholarships:promoting diversity and supporting students - the clarence "chuck" n. patterson diversity internship for the summer was awarded for the summer of 2023 was awarded for a position at the public defender's office to ariel aleman and bryan eras at the district attorney's office. Ariel is a 1l student and bryan is a 2l at widener university commonwealth law school in harrisburg.the richard noll scholarship committee awarded two scholarships to "deserving, needy law student(s) from the greater York area." The recipients were caleb lingenfelter of the university of pittsburgh school and law and lillian dittler of the university of baltimore school of law.the rainbow rose center received funds to help build its capacity to assist members of the lgbtq+ community with legal needs related to name changes.the County of York received funds from the henry lenz memorial fund for the provision of support for juveniles in the court system and their families. Funds were used to offset the costs of travel, clothing, education, and enrichment activities for 33 individuals. The children's home of York received funds for life skills curriculum to support at-risk youth.pennsylvania immigration resource center received funding to retain staff and support its operations in providing free legal services to indigent, vulnerable immigrants in the York community including two clinics to assist York's haitian community with the provision of temporary protected status documents in partnership with the new american welcome center. Pirc's work includes direct representation in York County of immigrant victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and for partial support for its office manager position to coordinate activities that meet the growing education and direct services needs of immigrants/immigrant families, and leverage pirc's legal staff, programs, community partnerships, and experience to grow and reach additional immigrants who would otherwise go unserved.
Public service:the York County Bar association and its charitable arm, the York County Bar Foundation (ycba/ycbf), aspire to build the organizations' capacity for leadership and service to improve the legal profession, the community they serve and the administration of justice in society. The York County Bar is the community's largest private supporter of law-related programs in funding and service. Today, with the help of community partners, the Bar is implementing plans to improve access to justice for the underserved by increasing pro bono volunteers and developing more efficient and effective service delivery methods. The Bar conducted mock trials and an essay and billboard design contact, as well as honoring a liberty bell award recipient in conjunction with its law day celebration. Its legal lines television show, the high school law mentoring and will for heroes programs emphasize the Bar's commitment to public education and community service. The Bar also sponsors community activities such as community resource fairs, wills for heroes, drivers license restoration and expungement clinics, and provides pro bono legal services including protection from abuse (pfa) days.
Pro bono:mid penn legal services received grant and alternative pro bono service funding to support pro bono services and to preserve their critically needed family-law attorney position in the York office. Funds supported efforts related to the delivery of pro bono and legal services to the York County community. With this funding, the pardon project of York County provided expungement/pardon clinics were held along with free cle trainings, pfa "service days, and participation in other free to the public community information events.
Leave a legacy York County (lal) is a partnership of more than 100 like-minded volunteers, professional advisors and nonprofit organizations that strengthens our community by promoting charitable giving. Leave a legacy assists York County nonprofits to develop planned-gift programs, encourages professional advisors to include charitable giving in estate planning and promotes planned giving to the public. Leave a legacy received funds to promote charitable and legacy giving in York County. The York County estate planning council (ycepc) is a group of professional advisors educating themselves and others in estate planning and administration in central Pennsylvania. Lal and ycepc have leveraged the opportunity of being part of a larger institution that provides staff support and administration.