Program areas at York County Christian Womens Job Corps
Our program, Seven Steps Toward Self Sufficiency, has several components that include Skills Training and Mentoring. We provided week training session this year, which included job readiness classes, financial management classes and basic computer glasses. We guide women in creating a road map for their personal development plan, setting and reaching goals that will lead financial security. Mentoring is a key component to the success of these women reaching their goals. Case management evaluates each woman's development along the way, while overseeing the mentoring process.Qur program includes bible study and networking with the community to meet the needs of the participants. We ministered to --- prospective participants in our community in with-—-enrolling in our Seven Steps to Sufficiency Program. We also served a numbor of children, as a result of their mothers being enrolled in our program. As women complete program requirements, become empowered and reach a level of Seif Sufficiency within their culture, we recognize them as qraduates. They are asked to become encouragers to other women in the program as a part of their “give back". Our goal is to remove the barriers that would hinder them from attending classes and special events by providing transporation and childcare assistance as much as possible. Business professionals add valuable information as guest speakers Volunteers assist in many areas of training and oprenaringo them for life and emplovment
Strengthening families is another important part ofour ministry. We work with maany single parent women and aim to provide growth Apportunities for them and their children. We hold several special "Celebration" events throughout tho year, providing encourage ment, relationship building opportunities, fun activities and leaming experiences. Special Events included: Spring Graduation /2 way Point Cllass Celebration, Summer Family Camp, and Back to School Day. At each event, all participants and children were served abalanced meat nn cece cn nn nee eee ence erence
Our Hand Up Coupon Program allows participants to earn Hand Up coupons, instead of a hand out, toward needed assistance Coupons are earned by attending classes, meeting with mentors, and attending seminars. Coupons can be used toward clothing gas, transportation, medical care, utilities and household items. We maintain a shopping closet where active participants can use these coupons. The closet includes items that “food stamps” do not cover, such as personal hygiene items, household cleaning products, paper products (toilet paper, trash bags, towols and wash cloths and school supplies. In Kind donations help stock the and clothing racks