Program areas at YCCAC
Health services - nasson health care is a federally qualified health center. Nasson operates sites in springvale and elm street, biddeford. As a nationally recognized patient-centered medical home, nasson provides a comprehensive range of primary care services for patients in all stages of life - from well child check-ups to medicare wellness visits. Nasson's team-based approach ensures that patients receive well-coordinated care that addresses the patient's complete health and wellness picture. Behavioral health is fully integrated with primary care, including care management and other supportive services to help patients manage chronic conditions, and achieve their health and wellness goals. Nasson's dental program offers a large array of services, from exams and cleanings, to restorative procedures, partials, and emergency dental care. Nasson health care routinely screens medical, behavioral health, and dental patients for significant social determinants of health, and makes appropriate referrals as necessary.
Head start/early head start (hs/ehs) - early childhood education program that supports children's growth from birth to age five through services centered around early learning and development, health, and family wellbeing. Head start staff actively engage parents, recognizing family participation throughout the program as key to strong child outcomes. Head start services are available at no cost to children in eligible families. Head start preschool services work with children ages three to five and their families. Early head start services work with children ages birth to three and their families.
Energy and rent relief services - energy services provides assistance with home heating and energy. The program administers the federal low-income heating and energy assistance program (liheap), energy crisis intervention program (ecip), central heating improvement program (chip), and the weatherization assistance program. These federally-funded programs provide one-time annual benefits to income-eligible households to help cover the cost of home heating. Energy services also administers the low-income assistance plan (liap), which provides benefits to consumers with high electric bills, and weatherization assistance, which helps to reduce energy consumption. Additionally, this program has provided covid funded rental relief programs to households affected by covid.
Transportation - transportation services help York County residents to be self-sufficient by providing transportation to Community services and other destinations which they would otherwise not be able to reach. All of the transportation services are open to the general public. The sanford transit offers year-round service from springvale to south sanford. The wave (wheels to access vocation & education) operates daily scheduled transportation between sanford-wells and sanford-biddeford. Transportation also provides a limited amount of rides to medical appointments (including cancer treatment) through the privately-funded York County transport and connecting to cancer care programs. In addition, transportation maintains contracts with a small number of agencies, including child development services and the Maine department of health and human services to provide non-emergency medical transportation to low-income residents. Whole family - utilizes a family-centered lens, to provide intensive whole family services/coaching for families with children that are experiencing poverty, with the goal of helping families achieve lasting family stability through direct services, goal setting, and referrals to internal, regional and state partners and programs. Wic - women, infants and children (wic) works with prenatal mothers, infants, and children to age five. Wic provides eligible families with educational material and tools to support mother and child's health and wellness. Wic provides these families with vouchers for healthy foods designed to supplement mother and child's diet with specific key nutrients. Wic also ensures each child receives regular physical check-up exams. To encourage and support new mothers to breastfeed their child, breastfeeding peer counselors, breast pumps, and enhanced food packages to mothers who are breastfeeding are available. Economic opportunity - economic opportunity connects people in need with programs and services that offer help through financial assistance, referrals, education, and advocacy. The program is designed to assess each client's/household's particular set of needs and provide support ranging from crisis intervention (immediate need for fuel, food, shelter, etc.) To short-term case management. The goal is to help individuals and their families achieve independence and financial stability. Other programs that fall under the Community outreach umbrella include York County cah (creating assets savings and hope), a financial capability education program, which includes free tax preparation, financial coaching and workshops aimed at helping clients develop financial goals to build assets, as well as homebuyer education, housing navigation, and family coaching.