Program areas at York Street Project
St. joseph's home bridge housing, York Street Project hybrid and rapid rehousing programs and pathways maternity group home. The bridge housing is a structured emergency shelter that provides up to 12 months of care for homeless families, that include on-site supportive services. Upon completion of the program, we assist them in finding affordable housing options that are subsidized by a third party for the next step in their journey. Our hybrid program provides up to 3-12 months of on-site traditional housing and additional 12-24 months of offsite subsidized housing with continued wrap around supportive services for homeless families and our pathways maternity group home offers 18 months of transitional housing for homeless and/or runaway youth who are pregnant and/or parenting. For those homeless families coming to us with fewer barriers, we assist them through our rapid rehousing program, which provides up to 24 months of rental assistance and support services. All of our housing programs include intensive, wrap around supportive services, including (but not limited too) crisis intervention, case managment and mental health treatment, parenting support, employment and training support, household managment, family budgeting, life skills training, and referrals for domestic violence and substance abuse counseling and health education. Services are offered both onsite and in home for those living in their own apartments.
The nurturing place (tnp) provides year-round licensed early childhood development and education for children (2 months to 5 years) while their mothers are at work or school. This educcational program helps to facilitate increased language development, cognitive thinking, emotional stability, and to improve socialization, interpersonal development, problemsolving abilities, and motor skills. Most importantly, it helps children to acquire a love of learning and the ability to give and receive affection - lessons that can last a lifetime. Tnp received a 4- star rating from grow new jersey kids and currently utilizes the gold curriculum and assessment tools and ages and stages questionnaire screening tools.
St. mary's residence (smr) offers safe, affordable housing and support for working women with limited income, allowing them to concentrate on improving their job skills for a better future. On average they live with us for two years while they get on their feet.