Program areas at YAF
Conference/Lecture Programs:Foundation programs include lectures on colleges campuses, conferences throughout the nation, Young Americans for Freedom chapters, education training seminars and materials including hundreds of thousands of U.S. constitutions and internships. These programs reach thousands of students and millions more nationwide when they are on C-SPAN and online. YAF is leading the charge to advance the freedom of speech in America's schools. Through public records requests and active litigation, YAF is restoring students' First Amendment freedoms nationwide.
The Reagan Ranch Program is devoted to preserving and protecting President Reagan's western White House, Rancho del Cielo, and educating young people on the lessons of his presidency at the Ranch and in the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, CA. In addition to expenses reported above, the Foundation also made capital investments of $59,979 into Foundation properties.
Public Information/Education: The Foundation provides educational and informational materials to hundreds of thousands of Americans interested in advancing freedom and spreading prosperity. The Foundation's media and communications activities, including its website, newsletters, and mailings to the target audience garners broad-based, grassroots support and participation for the Foundation's mission and the many programs conducted throughout the year. The Foundation distributed over one million Reagan Ranch calendars through its communication program.
National Journalism Center