Program areas at Young Mens Christian Association
Health, wellness & fitness: the associations health, wellness and fitness programs help acheive a unity of spirit, mind and body through medically based programs that stress proper exercise, nutrition, stress management, avoidance of drugs and alcohol abuse, and health education. The Association offers a lifelong progression of health and fitness activities, experiences and education including programs for children, teens, familiies and seniors. Some of these programs include: preschool movement, parent/child exercise, aerobics, strenth training and senior fitness. The vast majority of our 2,400 program members participate in these programs.
Aquatics: these programs are part of the associations overall goal of building healthy spirit, mind and body. The aquatic center facility offers lap swimming, areas for aquaerobics, water walk/ lazy river, vortex and over 100 slide, in addition to aquatic areas for infants and toddlers. In addition to providing specific swimming and water safety skills; aquatics programs promote good health through regular exercise, teamwork, self-confidence and leadership. These programs are offered at fees affordable to the community at large. Youth participate in progressive swim classes and adult participate in aquatic exercise programs. Seniors participate in specially designed classes to increase joint flexibility and help relieve pain. The Association also provides an excellent resource for our local medical community to refer patients to for low impact rehabilitative programs. Lifeguard training and certification classes are also provided. The Association aquatic programs offered activities for over 500 people from infants through seniors.
Sports & recreation: these programs for youth and adults promote appreciation of ones own self worth. Youth sports focus on the full and equal participation of each youth. Youth programs help strengthen families through parent coaching and attendence. Youth participation in sports builds lifelong positive attitudes, habits of healthy exercise, good nutrition and instill recreational activities as important into adult life. Youth and adult programs include: indoor/outdoor soccer, basketball, tennis, volleyball, raquetball and other sports and recreational activities. Those with special needs are welcomed in both youth and adult programs. Programs at all levels value cooperation over competition, fair play over winning at all costs, good health over a good score, and building self-esteem over beating the opponent. The Association knows that with this approach everyone wins-undefeated in spirit, mind and body.
All other programs including educational & social: the Association also offers numerous other programs for youth and adults including: after school and schools out programs that offer youth an opportunity to be in a structured educational and social environment outside of school times led by trained staff. The Association also offers
Grade school and jr. high aged youth teen centers weekly that offer a safe, fun environment to socialize that promotes the associations core values and mission.