EIN 15-0550177

Young Mens Christian Association of Norwich

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
Young Mens Christian Association of Norwich puts Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. The YMCA helps young people deepen their holistic development to combat declining standards of living and shorter lifespans projected for future generations. It is committed to helping families build stronger bonds by bringing them together in a variety of activities that help form stable relationships.
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at Young Mens Christian Association of Norwich

Holistic Development of Children and YouthThis area of work is the most significant and impactful of any of our programs. Our Youth department continues to meet the diverse childcare needs in our community and in 2023 we continued to address the growing need of quality and affordable care for our local families. In 2023, we continued to offer and promote our high-quality childcare programming, that provides all-inclusive programming for nursery, preschool and school age children throughout Chenango County. Our YMCA was able to provide childcare for Pre-K students through sixth grade. We continued to assist and serve a wide variety of family needs including before school, after school, holiday breaks, snow days, and summer opportunities. In 2023 we were able to introduce a new After School Program site in Norwich at Holy Family School increasing our ability to support more families. During this time period we provided childcare programming to 279 unduplicated children in 2023. Continuity and consistency, safe environments, caring and trained staff are important factors for families and children when enrolling in childcare programming. We are proud that we have a diverse program offering to assist local and regional families and meet their childcare needs. We offer many different childcare options to assist and serve a wide variety of family needs including before school, after school, holiday breaks, snow days, and summer opportunities. Our childcare programs are a commitment to strengthening families, which directly relates to our mission and our values. YMCA childcare programs assist families in balancing work and family responsibilities. Our programs make it possible for parents of children in our care to remain gainfully employed, knowing that their children are in a safe environment and being cared for during non-school hours.The YMCA provided scholarship assistance for childcare programs totaling over $22,151. These funds were awarded to families through our Open Doors scholarship program this year. It is estimated that approximately 20% of our children enrolled in our childcare programs receive some form of tuition assistance through scholarship or social services. In addition, we provide assistance to families for all YMCA programs and facility offerings which equates to 54% of all scholarships going towards programming. The YMCA annually conducts nursery and preschool programs for approximately forty students each year. Our programs prepare each student with the school readiness skills that they will need when entering kindergarten including reading, literacy, shapes, colors, letters, sounds, safety information, swim lessons, and healthy lifestyle classes. In 2023, we offered a half day Nursery School program for three-year olds that saw 30 different children participate in the calendar year. We saw an increase in participation from the previous year. Our YMCA Pre-Kindergarten program in conjunction with the Norwich City School District saw 41 different children participate in 2023. Our SKIPPERS program introduces children to the water, and equally important, it introduces parents to the water as care givers. It focuses on children having fun and being comfortable in the water, focusing on water exploration and safety. Early acclimation to the water promotes comfort, calmness, and increases flexibility. In 2023, we saw forty children aged 6 months old to three years of age participate in the parent-child water instruction program.In 2023, swimming usage continues to increase, especially with the significant concern with safety around water. The YMCA Instructional swim program has seen steady growth as we had 185 unduplicated children participate in our 2023 swimming programs, accounting for 243 swimming lessons. Field-tested across the nation by aquatics experts, Y Swim Lessons stress a developmental approach based on current research in child development, motor learning and motor control. Swim lessons are more child centered as opposed to group centered and focus on the part-whole stroke method of teaching. YMCA instructors guide children through a process of individual exploration. Children build confidence and self-esteem in this caring environment. This swim program teaches more than swimming lessons it develops character values (caring, honesty, respect and responsibility) at every level. YMCA Swim Lessons address community issues of safety in and around water, lifesaving, survival and safe boating skills while developing leadership skills and encouraging volunteerism.YMCA Youth and Teen programs give kids good role models to help them develop self-esteem, self-respect, and good values including cooperation, acceptance, respect, citizenship, and a strong work ethic. The YMCA employs many teenagers and young adults that work with our younger members teaching them to swim, watching them in childcare programs, or counseling them within our Summer Day Camp programs.We were excited to celebrate our 53rd year of YMCA Summer Camp at our Camp Thompson facility in 2023. Families continue to look for something different and exciting for their children during the summer months, especially with a priority of being outside, in a safe environment, while focusing on fun. In 2023 our Summer Camp program had 137 different children attending YMCA Summer Camp with an estimated $9,947 in financial assistance awarded to assist families to send their children to Camp.
Family StrengtheningParents spend less time per week with their children today than they did in 1960. The YMCA is committed to helping families build stronger bonds by bringing them together in a variety of activities that help form stable relationships, enhance communication and promote healthier lifestyles. Our YMCA helps families build stronger bonds, achieve greater work/life balance and become more engaged with their communities. In 2023, the YMCA awarded $59,070 in financial assistance to provide facility access to families, single parent families, adults, and children. This financial assistance equals 72% of all YMCA financial assistance awarded in 2023. In 2009 the YMCA Board of Directors unanimously voted to implement a new membership program for community members and YMCA members that have lost their jobs within the past twelve months. A complimentary three-month membership is awarded to all qualifying participants with proper validation of job loss. During 2023, this program benefit was utilized very minimally, but we were able to offer this assistance and will continue to offer. This program will remain intact to support families in need as we continue to recover from the pandemic. The YMCA was able to continue offering key signature community events in 2023, including family nights, Halloween Parade, Healthy Kids Day, Gus Macker Basketball Tournament, Turkey Trot, and our assistance with the Helping Hands Food Program. These events provide an opportunity for family connectedness and the opportunity to serve our community.Our Family Swim program gives families the opportunity to share time together with their family. Our Family time in our Kids Gymnasium play zone provides children and families the opportunity to play while exercising, building trust, and having fun. We were thankful that these programs are available for our community. All of our Youth Sports programs allow for family involvement and participation. All of the coaches, officials, scorekeepers, and assistants are volunteer parents assisting with their childs recreational experience. In 2023, five hundred and thirty-eight families saw their children participate in YMCA youth sports, connecting parents and children while learning skills, sportsmanship, teamwork, and socialization in a competitive and recreational setting.In addition to programming at the YMCA, we also offer programming opportunities for families at numerous offsite locations throughout Chenango County. In 2023, the YMCA was able to add another After School Program site in the community of Norwich to meet the growing need in our community. Additionally, we offer After School programming in Norwich, Oxford and Greene while also providing health and wellness classes in Oxford and Gilbertsville, NY. By providing more opportunities in our rural communities, families will have more opportunities to recreate together. The YMCA offers a Child watch program for families that wish to utilize the YMCA. Child Watch is a supervised program that is designed for infants, toddlers and young members, in a supervised setting, permitting parents can an opportunity to participate in YMCA programming for their spirit, mind and body. This is a great opportunity for families wishing to begin their health and wellness journey and family recreational opportunities together. We have found that our community needs us more than ever as we all try to find a safe place for childcare, health and wellness initiatives and to recreate friendship with our community and friends. Our relationship with the Norwich Helping Hands program continues to grow as we provide food, household products, hygiene products and more to families in our community in need. Each month one hundred plus families have directly benefitted from this amazing community collaboration. This is another program that did not stop during the pandemic, and we collectively became stronger while helping more people in our community in need. Other possible non-measurable program achievements, strategies, and operating principles: -Develop values for daily living: develop moral and ethical behavior based on Judeo-Christian principles.-We appreciate diversity: respect people of different ages, abilities, incomes, races, religions, beliefs, and disabilities.-Provide opportunities for youth and teens to grow within an environment that promotes caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility within the YMCA.-The YMCA is a place that promotes a friendly and welcoming atmosphere where members feel comfortable and connected while receiving the support they need to improve their physical, mental, and spiritual health.-Provide opportunities for youth, which shape values and encourage lifelong community service.-Provide activities, which support and strengthen families.-Encourage and support the development of healthy lifestyles.-Provide older adults with opportunities to achieve a healthy and productive quality of life.-Value the essential role of volunteers.-Foster a sense of belongingness amongst members, staff, and volunteers.-Collaborate with community agencies to address community issues-Securing financial resources necessary to achieve our program goals.-Maintain high quality facilities, programs and management support systems
Health and Well being for AllThe 2023 calendar year has finally seen signs of pre covid participation and facility usage. We continue to provide needed programming to our community with a membership base of approximately 2600 members. A significant decrease by 30% from our pre COVID-19 membership numbers of 2019 but a 30% increase from 2022. The YMCA offers unique programs and services to our membership base throughout the year creating supportive relationships and environments that are needed for successful pursuit of health and wellbeing in spirit, mind and body. Men, women and children of all ages, faiths, backgrounds, abilities and income levels improve health and well being at the YMCA. In 2023, we provided over $81,221 in financial assistance to overcome economic barriers for participation in YMCA programs and usage of the YMCA facility. In 2009 the YMCA Board of Directors unanimously voted to implement a new membership program for community and YMCA members that have lost their jobs within the past twelve months. A complimentary three-month membership will be provided for adults and families that qualify for this program. In 2023, eleven individuals (3 families, 2 adults) took advantage of this program offering. It is great to see this program operating and being utilized again, as it is such a beneficial program to those that directly benefit from it. Helping people of all ages and abilities develop health in spirit, mind, and body is the core of the YMCA movement. We encourage through active participation, programs that help individuals create realistic goals for self-improvement and emphasize disease prevention through regular exercise, proper nutrition, stress management, and health education. Recreational athletic programs for youth and adults promote teamwork, sportsmanship, fair play, interaction, and development of social and physical skills.We offer many adult classes and leagues such as: Basketball, Racquetball, Swimming, Pickleball, Group Exercise, Yoga, Personal Fitness, and Active Older Adult classes and social programs. During 2023, our group exercise classes, water fitness classes, senior classes and pickleball saw the largest increase in participation as members and our community longed to recreate and exercise together again after several years of Covid restrictions. Our senior population continues to grow with the baby boomers retiring and also the uptick with pickleball being the fastest growing sport.Collectively we are the largest youth sports provider in Chenango County. Program offerings include Basketball, Flag football, Baseball, Tee Ball, Swim Team, Indoor Soccer, Outdoor Soccer, Instruction Swim Lessons, and Preschool gym and movement classes. With affordable participation rates and inexpensive membership rates youth play a significant role at our facility and our program offerings. For example, our Youth Sports participants had over 995 youth, ages five through twelve in our various youth sports programs, which represent all socio-economic demographics, races, and religions within our programs and community.Water Fitness programs are ideal for members of all ages and increases physical strength and endurance while using the water as a natural resistance. Our classes promote healthy habits, develop new relationships, and introduce new active lifestyles. In addition to the actual class, members are engaged with classmates outside of the class too, as socialization, and the direct benefits of water exercise for many of the participants. In addition to Health & Wellness classes at the YMCA in Norwich, we also conduct outreach classes in the following rural communities of Oxford, Gilbertsville, New Berlin and Greene. In 2023, we were able to continue offering a wide variety of program offerings in communities such as: youth sports, lifeguard classes, fitness classes, after school childcare programming in two additional communities besides Norwich. During 2023, the Norwich YMCA continued to open its doors to community-based organizations at no cost. It is the belief at the YMCA that we are a community based charitable organization that is supported by our community, and it is our philosophy to assist other agencies providing support to our community. The number of outside groups utilizing the Y continues to grow and it is our desire to support local groups is still strong and supportive.

Who funds Young Mens Christian Association of Norwich

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
Trust Uw Mary Peckham Fbo Ymca NorwichGeneral Operating$450,311
United Way of Mid Rural New YorkPrograms$7,909
Oliver W Benedict Charitable TrustMembership for Deserving$2,615
...and 1 more grant received

Personnel at Young Mens Christian Association of Norwich

Jamey MullenExecutive Director
Shannon GawronskiFitness Director
James N MullenPast Executive Director$98,627
Tim McKownDirector$0
Matt BurrellPresident$0
...and 5 more key personnel

Financials for Young Mens Christian Association of Norwich

RevenuesFYE 12/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$1,432,237
Program services$1,012,692
Investment income and dividends$336,143
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$0
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$28,644
Net income from fundraising events$28,320
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$1,292
Miscellaneous revenues$1,671
Total revenues$2,840,999

Form 990s for Young Mens Christian Association of Norwich

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-122024-11-15990View PDF
2022-122023-11-14990View PDF
2021-122022-11-14990View PDF
2020-122021-11-13990View PDF
2019-122021-03-02990View PDF
...and 10 more Form 990s
Data update history
January 11, 2025
Received grants
Identified 1 new grant, including a grant for $7,909 from United Way of Mid Rural New York
September 21, 2024
Received grants
Identified 1 new grant, including a grant for $450,311 from Trust Uw Mary Peckham Fbo Ymca Norwich
June 18, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 2 new personnel
May 19, 2024
Received grants
Identified 1 new grant, including a grant for $2,615 from Oliver W Benedict Charitable Trust
December 26, 2023
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2022
Nonprofit Types
Parks and recreation centersHuman service organizationsCharities
Human services
ChristianReligiousPolitical advocacyLobbyingFundraising eventsState / local levelReceives government fundingCommunity engagement / volunteeringFundraising races, competitions, and tournamentsTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
68 N Broad St
Norwich, NY 13815
Chenango County, NY
Website URL
(607) 336-9622
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
P20: Human Service Organizations
NAICS code, primary
713940: Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers
Parent/child status
Free account sign-up

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