Program areas at YWCA
The perfect fit for working women empowers women with limited incomes entering the workforce by providing the clothing and confidence necessary to secure employment. The perfect fit serves more than 650 women each year, providing, on her first visit, an outfit appropriate for a job interview, and on her second appointment, a week's worth of professional clothing suited to her new career.
The yw tech lab program provides free education in digital skills to women and people of color, groups that have been historically underrepresented in technology fields, and vulnerable populations, such as those unemployed or displaced due to covid-19, recent high school or ged graduates, returning or non-traditional students, and low-wage workers. Ywca allentown couples this programming with referrals for supportive services and job coaching to ensure each participant's success.
The ywca allentown's perfect fit resale boutique offers the community quality Women's clothing, shoes and accessories at affordable prices in a fun and welcoming shopping atmosphere and supports the growth of downtown allentown. Through the purchase of a gently used designer clothing funds professional development courses to help job seekers grow a career.
Ywca allentown empowers job seekers entering the workforce to become self-sufficient by providing the professional soft skills necessary to secure a job that is above entry level and to build and grow a meaningful career. Workshops are offered on thursdays at careerlink that offer proessional development courses in the following areas:employer expectations, professional etiquette, networking,difficult conversations at work, public speaking, financial literacy and effective communication. The series serves more than 250 job seekers each year. The allentown high school rowing program empowers students in the allentown school district by teaching life skills and providing opportunities through the sport of rowing. The allentown high school rowing program serves more than 50 students annually, providing physical education through the erged curriculum, on water rowing clinics, appropriate rowing clothing, gear, and nutrition for practices and races, and access to and entries in regional regattas and rowing choices is a proven program designed to give clients individualized attention and training to help each person achieve personally and professionally. We work one-on-one and in small groups to help our clients see how to transfer their past skills, prepare them for the job market, and assist them in making professional decisions. New choices empowers individuals and provides the skills needed to find a job with family-sustaining partnership with lehigh university rowing, the lehigh valley community rowing program provides opportunities to access the sport of rowing through the learn to row program, and develops athletes through juniors and adult rowing clinics.