Program areas at Your Harvest House
Through our food pantry, Your Harvest House provides groceries to more than 2,800unduplicated north Texas households each year. Families with children have access to increasedassistance during the summer months and holiday seasons. We also deliver monthly foodbundles to seniors living in low-income housing, and we provide bulk foods to eight local foodministries. Our tagline, feed clothe restore, sums up our goal to not only provide aid forlocal residents but also to graduate them out of their need for Harvest House. In 2023, weprovided 432,064 pounds of food to 7,512 residents.
Through the Harvest House resale store, low-to-moderate income families that qualifyfinancially can receive store vouchers that can be used for clothing and household items.families with children can receive extra vouchers in preparation for the start of school. Theresale store, which is also open to the public, brings in over $700,000 each year, and revenuefrom the recycling of donated goods brings in over $100,000.
Through the Harvest House financial aid program, clients can apply no more than once everytwelve months for help with rent/mortgage, utilities, and urgent expenses. In order to qualify forfinancial aid, families must provide documentation to verify that their income falls below 200%of the federal poverty guidelines and that they reside within the Harvest House service area.returning clients check-in biannually, and we assess how to further reduce financial andemotional stress. In addition to basic needs, we partner with more than ten local organizations toconnect clients with services such as financial counseling and employment guidance. We aim notonly to provide aid for local residents but also to walk alongside them as they regain financialand emotional stability.