Program areas at Youth Empowerment Source
Drug free cecil Youth coalition- more than 25 student leaders received monthly training from yes and used that leadership to direct their school based clubs in all 5 public high schools. More than 3,100 Youth opted into prevention activities run by the drug free cecil Youth. Over 1,500 community members attended our trunk or treat/drug take back in october of 2022. More than 90 students also participated in the annual Youth leadership summit in november of 2022, where they received leadership and prevention training over several days. In the spring of 2023, a Youth prevention rally was held and more than 40 Youth took to the stage to share presentations and show their commitment to building a healthier community.
Children of incarcerated parents (coip) - coip is designed to provide support to children 5-17 who are experiencing the effects of parental incarceration and uses case management, life skills training, and mediation to strengthen families dealing with the impacts of incarceration. During fy23, 51 coip clients were referred, 251 lifeskills lessons administered throughout the year, 858 contacts made with students/families, 97% of ccdc participants rate the nurturing parenting program as excellent. 81% of parents/guardians report improved family stability in the home, as measured by the year-end survey. Highlights include: 10 clients received turkey baskets, several clients reunited with their parents after being released from incarceration, 6 clients received gifts from angel tree, 10 clients attended a back to school event at plumpton park zoo and received free backpacks and school supplies. Five coip clients completed the prepare u mental health curriculum.
Disconnected Youth - assists Youth between the age of 16 and 24 years old who have not graduated high school or graduated and are struggling to find and sustain employment. Program participants are provided ged assistance, transitional life skills lessons, soft job skills, conflict resolution and various opportunities to improve their future. Over 80 referrals to legacy programs in fy23. Financial literacy classes were offered and completed through a collaboration with apgfcu. Ged seminar was held each week via zoom on mondays/tuesdays and other program elements were conducted on wednesdays/thursdays each week. In addition, legacy students returned for in-person classes once a month at the yes office. Highlights: 11 participants received new shoes through a donation to yes, students received thanksgiving baskets, angel tree for christmas, provided chromebooks and hotspots to clients, as well as other program materials. Advertising with mva brought considerable visibility to the legacy program. Nineteen clients completed the prepare u mental health curriculum.
Youth Empowerment Source was awarded a 5 year grant from the white house office of national drug control policy in fy 21. The former Maryland strategic prevention framework grant ended and the Youth Empowerment Source utilized this new funding to continue to provide underage drinking and tobacco prevention. In fy22, this funding supported continued responsible beverage service training 610 servers, bartenders and managers in cecil county through 26 sessions. The stride program was funded for 4 students quarterly, yes served 31 the entire year with additional funding from other resources. Of these 31 students 18 have been impacted by substance abuse. 19 students completed lifeskills lesson - 18/19 - 95% showed improvement in overall lifeskills knowledge with substantial increase in drug resistance skills. 100% of students' attendance has increased, again throughworking on responsibility and accountability and the case managers working through coping skills as a way to success, we have seen marked improvement in behavior and attendance. Many students are struggling with anxiety as a result of the ongoing pandemic. The clients and families worked to reduce stress and find ways to slowly resume normal pre-pandemic activities. Students have shown considerable grit and resilience in order to improve attendance and overall academic performance.