Program areas at Youth Service Bureau of Illinois Valley
Foster care - provide short term emergency care for acute family crisis. Provide long term care for abused and neglected children. Clients served - 2706
Homeless & runaway Youth counseling & prevention- runaway and homeless Youth counseling - serves Youth 11-17 providing crisis intervention, short term counseling and linkage to appropriate services for runaway and homeless Youth that are at risk of running away or becoming homeless. Clients served - 270
Intact family - provide family counseling and support to stabilize the family structure and insure the family unit stays intact and avoids foster care. Clients served - 512
Treatment - provide therapy and counseling services by master level therapists for victims of abuse, trauma, etc. Clients served - 341
Hispanic services - provides families with information in spanish and links them to services in spanish. Includes collaboration with Illinois Valley community college literacy programs. Clients served - 1492
Traditional parenting - provides parents the opportunity to enhance their parenting skills, set appropriate expectations and limits. Clients must be 18 years of age or older.
Other family cash assistance
Redeploy Illinois - redeploy Illinois was created in 2004 by the general assembly to provide services to Youth at risk of commitment to the Illinois department of corrections. The program is funded by the Illinois department of human services. The 13th judicial circuit is one of 11 redeploy sites in the state. Youth services Bureau provides intensive Service to these Youth and their families, thus reducing the incidence of criminal recidivism in the community and incarceration of adolescents in the Illinois prison system. Clients served - 108