Program areas at Youth Shelters and Family Services
The Youth homelessness demonstration program grant funds a rapid re-housing program that served 63 households (70 clients over 18 years old, and 51 dependent children) in fy23. This program provides intensive case management to clients, throughout all of northern new mexico, including housing rental assistance, help with job placement and education assistance, like ged and diploma programs.
Transitional living program (tlp) provides housing for Youth for up to 18 months while they learn life skills, gain education, and access employment so that they can become self-sufficient upon exit. The tlp program is a supervised apartment setting for homeless Youth ages 17-21 including pregnant and parenting teens, where clients receive wrap around case management.
The Youth emergency shelter is a 24-hour safe haven for Youth in crisis, ages 10-17, where they can sleep in a stable environment, eat three nutritious meals a day, obtain clothing, receive counseling and support, and access a full range of Services. Clients at shelter reside in a community environment, and engage in weekly events like skating, group grief counseling support, and regular gym visits. Shelter staff help clients in growing life skills like cleaning and meal preparation during their stay.
The steet outreach program provides critical Services such as food, water, blankets and sleeping bags for runaway and homeless Youth ages 21 and under through street-based outreach and a drop-in resource center. Many clients camp in the mountains, live in cars, or sleep in abandoned buildings. Our street outreach drop-in resource center provides a place where Youth can go to get warm, take a shower, and receive the supportive Services they need to leave the streets.