Program areas at Youth Together / Tony Douangviseth
Youth Together currently operates on school campuses where 76% of the student population is on the Free and Reduced Lunch program. Our strategic location in East and West Oakland helps us reach our target population of low-income students of color at risk for school push-out/drop-out: all students served receive free or reduced lunch, over 86% of students are Latino or African American (12% Asian, Native American, Multiracial and other ethnicities and 2% Caucasian), 62% of our students identify as female, 32% as male, and 6% identify as transgender/genderqueer /non-binary. Our students come from communities facing housing disparities, marginalization due to immigration status, and community violence.Youth Together provided year-round programming and direct services for youth and families in Oakland, CA for fiscal year 2022-2023. Youth programs consisted of leadership development and civic engagement, after school academic and enrichment programs, coordinated parent support services, wellness checks, case management, and expanded learning events in collaboration with community organizations and school sites. Youth Togethers One Land One People (OLOP) Youth Center located on Skyline High School provides direct service to youth and parents throughout the academic school year of 2022-2023. Here are the following direct services and programs;1. Rising 8 th Grader Summer Bridge Summer 2022Supported 75 incoming 9th grade students for during the two-week summer bridge program located at Skyline High School. Youth Together provided students with workshops on various topics including, community building, healthy relationships, academic success, navigating high school, career exploration and more! Many of the summer bridge participants are currently participating in after school programs or are consistent visitors in the Youth Center. 2. Newcomer Summer Bridge Summer 2022Youth Together Family Liaison coordinated a summer bridge for 14 newcomer students attending Skyline High School in July 2022. Each day was focused on community building, navigating digital platforms, and a comprehension overview of English Language courses for the upcoming school. 3. Newcomer Literacy SupportThis space was created to provide a safe and supportive environment for our Skyline newcomer population. By participating in the literacy program, students are provided with mentorship, academic support and other family/community resources from ELD teachers.4. Food AccessIn partnership with the Alameda County Foodbank, youth and families were able to access our Feed the People Food Pantry Monday through Friday for 180+ days throughout the school year.5. Expanded Learning Units of ServiceYouth Together provided a total of 50,040 units of services before, after school, and intermission for 2022-2023.6. Dual EnrollmentIn partnership with Oakland Unified School District and Peralta Colleges,Youth Together supported with enrollment, supervision, and academic tutoring for two community college courses for 50 Skyline students.