Program areas at YWCA North Central Indiana
Crisis services. Twenty-four hour domestic violence emergency shelter in st. joseph and elkhart counties. Victims of domestic violence and their children receive case management, daily trauma-specific psychological, counseling, educationa/therapeutic groups, life skills classes, self- sufficiency services, including financial literacy classes and court advocacy. 994 clients were provided with emergency intervention, food, transportation, childcare, and education assistance in fy 2023. In addition we received 7,640 calls to our crisis lines.
Children services. The Ywca offers one of only four residential substance abuse treatment programs in Indiana that allow woman to bring their children with them during treatment. This innovative, women-centered, 16- step program lasts 6-8 weeks and is followed up by 12 months of after-care. Approximately 517 children were served during fy 2023.
Long-term housing. The Ywca supportive housing program provided to victims of domestic violence with and without children who are fleeing a life of violence in their homes. The Ywca offers supportive housing units within the st. joseph county facility, with these units a client will receive case management services, life skills education, financial literacy education, empowerment groups and services, free meals and childcare help to allow the client to attend classes, groups, counseling, case management, work, education, job training, etc. For two years as they work towards their goals and independence. The supportive housing program is designed to meet the client where they are and gives them a safe place to live for 90 days to 18 months. These supportive housing programs have assisted approximately 234 individuals; 103 adults and 131 children in fy 2023.
Substance use services.the Ywca is the only organization in the state that allows children over 5 years old to come into treatment with their mothers. This program is the only program specifically designed for women provided by the Ywca. This innovative, women centered 16-step program lasts 6-8 weeks which is followed up by up to 12 months of after-care. The Ywca provided this service to 147 women struggling wth addiction in fy 2023.