Program areas at YWCA of Rock County
Ywca offers high-quality, affordable child care, serving children and families in Rock County. We provide a nurturing, creative space for children to learn and grow. The ywca child care program recognizes the benefits of quality care that keeps kids safe, engaged, and enriched. Childcare options & programs include, pre-k/p4j at the ywca, before and after school care at nine janesville schools and two milton schools, non-school days, and summer discovery day camp.
Jeffris flats - the economic empowerment center provides a place for Rock County residents the opportunity to research employment opportunities, develop skills necessary to obtain employment, transportation assistance and access other employment resources in the community. Specifically, the centers offers programming focusing on career and economic skill development. The primary goal is to help individuals who are in need, positively shape their futures. Some services we provide are providing transportation assistance, mock interviews, applying for scholarships, and assisting in resume writing. These services allow an individual approach to personal skills the client may need one on one to thrive in a new employment and education setting.
Alternatives program - two thirds of janesville's homicides can be traced back to domestic violence. The ywca has a 33-bed domestic violence shelter that offers a safe place for women in crisis. Women and children receive basic necessities, food, clothing, and personal space to begin to heal. In addition, women receive case management, legal advocacy, peer support, safety training, and more. We also staff a 24-hour helpline. Participants can stay for up to 90 days.
Racial justice initiative - the racial justice department is responsible for executing ywca Rock County racial justice strategy and creating a culture of inclusivity, to ensure sustained execution for mission related programs; providing volunteer opportunities to help the ywca Rock County fulfill its mission; creating relationships with donors and volunteers and raising the profile of the ywca in the community. The racial justice department provides research on racial justice issues and develops curriculum for racial justice trainings for organizations, businesses, and corporations. In conjunction with the racial justice committee, the racial justice department plans and implements stand against racism, the racial justice conference and martin luther king jr. award. The racial justice department plans and implements courageous conversations and lunch and learns for the community and supports the race 2 equity project in Rock County with kids forward. Included in the racial justice program is the immigrant outreach program, which serves the immigrant community by addressing systemic disparities for newcomers, eliminate barriers, and invest in the success of those who have come to our community to build a new life. Our services include but are not limited to legal, advocacy access to our free legal clinic, citizenship classes, english as a second language classes, help with employment issues, access to information and referrals, assistance with benefits, social services and community education.
Care house - the care house provides coordinated, child centered response to the prevention, investigation, and treatment of child abuse and neglect; and to participate in the advocacy efforts on behalf of the best interest of children. We conduct forensic interviews of children who have disclosed some form of abuse. Care house provides a safe, comfortable, and child friendly lace of children to tell their stories. The purpose of recording their interview minimizes the trauma of the investigation by eliminating duplicate interviews. The multi-disciplinary team includes a representative from the ywca, child protective services, law enforcement, office of district attorney, victim/witness office, probation/parole, medical/sexual assault nurse examiner. The team of professionals gathers at care house and works together in the best interest of the child. Members of the team come together at the time of an interview to minimize trauma of the investigation by reducing the number of times a child needs to tell their story. Care house child/family advocates make referrals to individual and family counseling after the interview, and follow up with families at regular intervals. An advocate can also connect families with other helpful community agencies as needed. There are also many support groups for boys, girls, and caregivers, who have experienced trauma.
Transition for women - this program is a domestic violence recovery program. Transitions gives women who are rebuilding their lives after abuse up to 18 months of subsidized independent housing and up to 24 months of advocacy and support. Transitions for women programming is as demanding as it is rewarding, and the requirements for continued participation can initially seem overwhelming. The results, however, can be positively life-changing, helping a woman rebuild self-confidence, regain self-respect, and become a role model. While being involved in the program, participants will be required to contribute time and energy to their recovery. Transitions will offer the following types of services to help them along the way. Case manger once a week for one hour. The case manager will assist participants in developing and achieving their goals. They act as an advocate, offer options, make referrals, provides support, develops crisis plans, and prepares staffing reports. Once a month meeting with the case manager and director of crisis management and empowerment. The meeting focus is on domestic violence recovery and goal achievement. Once a week Women's group participation. Each session is related to healing and life-enriching topics. Children will meet individually with child youth advocates. This also includes parenting and child care issues.