Cause IQ vendor profile is a company that provides advocacy software to nonprofit customers. They primarily provide their products regionally, with most customers in California and New York (although they are present in other states as well).

Most customers are social advocacy organizations and environment, conservation, and wildlife organizations with revenues ranging from $162,534 to $4.5 million.

Primary location:
San Francisco, CA
All locations:
Identified customers:
Avg customer size:
$2.7 mil revenue
Median customer size:
$323 thou revenue customer list

1Global Fund for Women501(c)(3)San Francisco, CA
2Institute for Policy Studies501(c)(3)Washington, DC
3In Defense of Animals501(c)(3)San Rafael, CA
4Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)501(c)(3)Washington, DC
5News Media Alliance (NAA)501(c)(6)Arlington, VA
6Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project501(c)(3)New York, NY
7The Good Food Institute501(c)(3)Arlington, VA
8The United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania (UWSWPA)501(c)(3)Pittsburgh, PA
9Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression501(c)(3)Philadelphia, PA
10The New 42nd Street501(c)(3)New York, NY
...and 764 more not-for-profit tax-exempt customers identified by Cause IQ competitors

Competitors to in the nonprofit sector include Salsa Labs, CQ Roll Call, NationBuilder, Engaging Networks, NGP Van Inc, Blue State Digital, and Blackbaud.

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