Cause IQ vendor profile

Cook Martin Poulson PC

Cook Martin Poulson PC is a firm that provides tax accounting and insurance agent or broker to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Utah (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Cook Martin Poulson PC clients are professional associations, scientific research and development services, outpatient health care practitioners and facilities, emergency and relief services, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $30,039 to $384,470.

Primary location:
Logan, UT
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$1.9 mil revenue
Median client size:
$121 thou revenue

Cook Martin Poulson PC client list

1Bear Lake Community Health Center (BLCHC)501(c)(3)Providence, UT
2Shoreline Wellness Behavioral Health Outreach501(c)(3)West Haven, CT
3Utah Genealogical Association501(c)(3)Salt Lake City, UT
4Backroads Foundation501(c)(3)Brigham City, UT
5Settlement Canyon Irrigation Company501(c)(12)Tooele, UT
6CIT Utah501(c)(3)Salt Lake City, UT
7Ashlin Mae Kleven Foundation501(c)(3)Millville, UT
8Sego Lily Foundation501(c)(3)Jackson, ID
9Athletes Corner501(c)(3)Higley, AZ
10Cache Theatre Company501(c)(3)North Logan, UT
...and 19 more Cook Martin Poulson PC not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Cook Martin Poulson PC competitors

Competitors to Cook Martin Poulson PC in the nonprofit sector include Erickson Brown and Kloster PC, Texas Farm Bureau, Huber Erickson and Bowman LLC, Pattillo Brown and Hill LLP, Lba Certified Public Accountantspa, Summit Financial Group, Websterrogers LLP, Pearce Bevill Leesburg Moore PC, Buck Global LLC, and Brown,edwards and Company, L.L.P..

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